You arrived at Jumin's building and went to the elevator to get to the top floor.
Once you got there, you looked for the room number that the chauffeur told you.
"357...3..5..7.." You repeated to yourself as you walked down the hall until you found said door. Hesitantly, you knock.
Almost immediately, a girl not much older than you opens the door.
"Ugh, and who are you?" She asked in a disgusted way. You looked at her in shock.
I don't even know you and I already hate you.
"My name is Y/n. I was called here by Jumin Han." You said a matter-of-factly.
"You? Seeing Mr.Han? Pft, don't make me laugh. Now scram before I-"
"Y/n?" Jumin interrupted while making his way to the door.
"Hi, Jumin." You said with a smirk on your face.
"Thank goodness you've arrived, come in so you can get your uniform fitted."
"Excuse me." You said to the lady at the door so she could let you in. She scowled at you and reluctantly let you in.
"Now, ladies, this is Y/n, all you need to do is a standard uniform; white blouse and black skirt, do it quickly, I have a schedule to keep up with." Jumin ordered whilst snapping his fingers.
After he said that, two other girls walked over to you and started putting a blouse on you.
"Don't worry Y/n, just stand there and they will get you ready in no time." He said with a small smile on his face.
Jumin walked over to the other side of the living room to get some work done at his desk, so you did as he said and tried to help out as much as you could to the three girls.
"Gaby, can you hand me the pins?" Said one of the girls to the rude one.
So her name is Gaby...
You thought annoyed.
"Don't worry Kate, I'll be in charge of that, you and Emily start getting the skirt." She said while getting the pins ready. The other two nodded in agreement and went to fetch said skirt.
Meanwhile, Gaby told you to lift your arms slightly to start pinning the waist.
Everything was fine at first until.
You flinched at the sudden poke from the needle.
"Sorry, my hand slipped." Gaby said in a fake apologetic tone. You glared at her only making her smirk at you. You paid no mind to her actions but then it happened twice and then a third time.
The needle didn't really hurt when it poked you but you were sick of her doing as she pleased so when she did it again
"Ouch!!" You said loudly. Jumin almost immediately looked up from his desk and in your direction.
"What's wrong Y/n?" He asked as he got up and walked towards you two.
"Oh, I just accidentally poked her with the needle, no big deal." She tried to wave off the situation but then you and Jumin notice a small red stain on the side of the blouse.
It shocked you to see you were bleeding, it was a very very small wound from the needle and it didn't really hurt you but Jumin on the other hand...
"Listen you. If you as so much as graze her with that needle again, you're out of here." He threatened. "Now go and get a new blouse, and I want this done quickly." He glared at her. Seeing this side of Jumin really did scare you a bit but she got what she deserved.

Mystic Life (Saeyoung X Reader)
Fanfiction4 Days for you to fall in love with me... 7 Days until it starts all over... That was supposed to be it right? MC. Aka. YOU. Living a relatively normal life while playing a new game known as Mystic Messenger. You had just finished 707's route and wa...