Your face slowly started to turn red.
"Oh! I'm sorry, that was a bit weird to say. What I meant is that I would like you to keep this job." You looked at him surprised.
"But what about Jaehee?"
"I can always have two assistants." He answered simply. You looked at Jumin with a sad smile.
"Thank you for the offer Jumin but...I want to keep working at Passion pastries." Jumin sighed.
"I had a feeling you'd say that." He gave out a chuckled sigh. "Well, if you ever need a job, the offer is always open." He gave you a friendly wink.
"Thanks, Jumin, I'll keep that in mind." You looked to your clock. "It's getting pretty late..."
"Yes, it is. I should get going." Jumin started getting up and gathered his things.
"let's see what other days we can all go out again." You said while walking with him to the door.
"Yes, it would be nice."
"Then I'll see you around Jumin. Thanks for everything." You thanked with a grin.
"I should be the one thanking you." He said with a chuckle. "Goodbye Y/n." Jumin took step towards you and gave you a hug. You wrapped your arms around him and gave him a tight squeeze.
You were warm and soft in his embrace. He just wanted to stay in that moment but all to soon you two parted. And with a small wave, Jumin left.
Is what you wanted to say when you entered the pastry shop but instead...
"Hey guys!" You greeted like a 'normal' person would. It was early in the morning so there weren't any customers, just Brenda and Tifany at the counter.
"Y/n!" Brenda raced over to you and gave you a tight hug followed by Tifany. "Don't leave us here alone ever again!" They cried exaggeratingly. You rolled your eyes playfully.
"Alright alright." You laughed and hugged them back. "So how were things going while I was gone?" You asked for an update.
"Oh nothing much, just a little lonely without you here is all." Tifany said sweetly.
"Nathan on the other hand...." Brenda began, peaking your interest.
"Huh? what happened to him?" You asked.
"It's nothing to worry about, he just looked a bit more down since you were gone." Brenda pointed her thumb towards the door to the kitchen. "He's here now, why don't you go surprise him?" She added with a smirk. You nodded your head and went in a said direction.
You slowly opened the door to see Nathan facing the other way preparing something, it smelled like cake batter, Yum!
You took the chance to sneak up behind him and cover his eyes.
"What the. Who is it?" He asked. You moved your hand side to side, making his head nod as if saying "no"
"Brenda? is that you?" You did the same action as before to tell him he was wrong.
"Okay...Tifany?" You did it again.
"Boss?!?!" You sighed.
"Wow, Nathan you're really terrible at this!" You teased. Hearing your voice, Nathan quickly turned around and hugged you while spinning.
"Y/N!" He said joyfully. After some spinning, he put you down and then did something unexpected.
He kissed you.

Mystic Life (Saeyoung X Reader)
Fanfiction4 Days for you to fall in love with me... 7 Days until it starts all over... That was supposed to be it right? MC. Aka. YOU. Living a relatively normal life while playing a new game known as Mystic Messenger. You had just finished 707's route and wa...