4 Days for you to fall in love with me...
7 Days until it starts all over...
That was supposed to be it right?
MC. Aka. YOU.
Living a relatively normal life while playing a new game known as Mystic Messenger. You had just finished 707's route and wa...
"Good afternoon. How may I help you?" They asked the lady at the reception desk.
"I'm here to see Jihyun Kim." They said.
"Alright. This man will escort you to his cell." She gestured towards a tall man to her right.
"Of course, thank you."
The two started to walk down the hallway. The only thing you could hear was the faint click of heels as they reached their destination.
"Mr.Kim you have a visitor."
V didn't move or even flinch at the bodyguards' voice, he just stared at the blank wall on the opposite side of them.
"You have 5 minutes." Said the bodyguard.
"That's more than enough time." V's ears twitched hearing this oh-so-very familiar voice.
"I'll be waiting outside, please call me if you need any help."
"Of course. Thank you." The main door closed, leaving said person in front of the bars that separated them from V.
"You...." He turned around.
"Nice to see you too V."
"What the hell are you doing here?!"
"Can't I come to visit my fiance?"
"You are not my fiance! You ruined everything. You ruined my life!!" V had leaped forward and clung onto the bars with a crazed look in his eyes.
"Me?" She asked all innocent like. "I thought you loved me."
"I never did! I loved her, not you! And then you went crazy with your stupid perfect world idea!!"
"And look where we are now V."
"You..You stupid wench!!! I should have killed you when I had the chance!!!" He reached out from behind the bars to try and grab her but to no avail.
"Don't worry, I'll pick up where you left off. I still need to cleanse this world of unwanted people that stand in the way of my paradise."
"You little shit!!! Get back here so I can choke you!!"
"I think I'm done here."
"No! Get back here! Rika!! RIKA!!!" His cries were heard throughout the insane asylum.
"I'm all done here, thank you." She said without taking a second look back. The bodyguard didn't pay much attention to her because he was too busy racing to calm V down.
Meanwhile, Rika walked out with her head held high and a with a smirk plastered on her face.
"Don't worry MC, or should I say, Y/n.You're next."
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