Chapter 1 - Kitchen Duty

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AN: Hey everyone, first of all, I'm grateful that you came over and discovered this fanfiction. It's not long and I am still working on it at the moment, and since this is my first try on PJ fanfics, I hope that it'll come out good and all that. Please review and give comments, I'll try my best to write better :D

Btw, I know it's a little bit boring and stupid at first, but it gets more and more interesting in the end C: (if you know what I mean)


Yup, it’s Lily Smith, 13, daughter of Poseidon, running into the dining hall of Camp Half Blood-- 5 minutes late.

Lily can’t be blamed, really. She ran all the way from her tiny apartment across Manhatten and rode the waves just to get into camp before supper. (Although she did accidentally fall in the sea for numerous times)

But she turned out late, anyway.

All eyes turned over to stare at the teenager, panting as she walked over to the Poseidon table at the far end of the hall. She wiped her sweat across her forehead and plopped on the bench in front of the table, still catching her breath.

She tolerated some mean words from the other campers, still talking about the fact that she was late as the Camp Director Dionysus strolled over to her, holding a cup of wine, “Lisly Smarth-- late? You’re really not like your brother, you’re on kitchen duty tonight!”

Lily groaned. Every. Single. Time.

It was great to leave her horrible mortal family, especially her annoying younger brother for Summer, but everyone in camp HAD to compare her to her demigod brother, Percy Jackson. Kitchen duty wasn’t the problem, but she still couldn’t stand that huge amount of criticism.

Lily arrived Camp Half-Blood just the year before, when the famous ‘Seven Demigods’ have just came back from their mission, they succeeded in defeating the evil primordial Goddess Gaea and entered Camp with much glory. The Seven then went off for their own business, with Jason, Piper,Leo, Percy and Annabeth staying in Camp Half-Blood; Hazel and Frank leaving for Camp Jupiter.

Lily’s mortal school always ended earlier than the other schools that the other demigods attended, so when she arrived Camp, there were only a couple of year-rounders, 15, to be exact; And out of the 15, there was Leo Valdez, one of the Seven from the prophecy, who decided to stay for the year. The rest of the Seven either went to the other demigod camp, or lived in the mortal world and attend mortal school.

That was completely fine for Lily.

After supper, Lily proceeded to wash the dishes unwillingly, conjuring the tap water to move themselves while humming a little tune. It was quite a while until the Activities Director Chiron the centaur announced that there would be Capture the Flag that night.

Capture the Flag was always Lily’s favourite game.

She washed all the dishes in a hurry, moving her arms frantically as instructions for the water. As she washed, she wondered who would be in her team for Capture the Flag. At an occasion with that small number of Campers, the Poseidon kids would usually join Hephaestus’ and Apollo’s demigods. The thought that Leo Valdez might be in her team made her heart beat fast. She had only talked to Leo for a couple of times last year, not including the everyday exchanges of ‘hi’s and ‘bye’s, but the boy had a great sense of humour, and always knew when to crack the right jokes, cheering everyone around him up just like how he lights up the darkness with his flames. And naturally, Lily liked the boy.

She nearly dropped a plate while handling a bowl and spoon. Just then, a familiar voice rang out from the kitchen entrance,’Need a lil’ help Lil’s?’

Lily turned around and saw the curly black hair over the cheerful face and mischievious smile, he was wearing greased shirt with folded up sleeves and long jeans, his most notable brown eyes seem to be flaming with his usual determination as he proceeded next to Lily.

Lily took a deep breath and asked, “Hey Leo, wassup’?”

Leo rolled his eyes, casting a flame on his fingertip,”Does it seem like Papa Leo wants to leave any of his devoted Team Leo fans out from the awesome game of Capture The Flag? Well, NO.” He blew off the flame and juggled three rinsed plates.

Lily blushed.

The boy’s humour was enough to fascinate her for a day, that is, if there’s actually one day for them to communicate and all that. Another secret was that Lily liked him, he was everything a perfect boy that Lily needed, and she was desperate to know him even more deeply, despite their 3-year age gap.

Leo and Lily then finished washing the remaining few dishes together quietly, until Lily started the convo while wiping off the last dish,”So, who’s in our team? And are we Blue or Red?”

“It’s Team LEO. There’s no Team Blue or Red for me, the other one would be Team Red.” He pursed his lips and whistled softly, smiling vibrantly.

Lily didn’t really get the whole ‘Team Leo’ idea, but as heard from another camper, it was a joke that Leo made during the quest of Seven.

“Alright,” Lily said, placing the dish on the rack. She moved towards the towel and wiped her hands, brushing them on her face, she turned back to Leo,“Let’s Capture the Flag?” Instead, she found Leo sitting on the concrete floor, having fail attempts on lighting it on fire, he looked up at Lily with a slightly blackened face, grinning mischieviously,”Why not?”

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