I Love You

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Date someone who give you the same feeling you get
When you see your food coming at a restaurant

Coach Boomer was arrested the next day, thank god no one knew the real reason, and a new coach was brought in. She was really nice, finally, someone who doesnt shout at you all the time.

Warren and I spent every minute possible with each other, in the halls, at lunch, we even scheduled when to go to the bathroom so we could make out for a few minutes instead.  We didnt go any farther than we had that first night though, i think hes just waiting for me to be ready for something more, and he will find out im ready soon.  As I sat down at lunch I glared at all my friends, seeing how uncomfortable theyre making my boyfriend.  I had been sitting for only 10 seconds, about to talk to my boyfriend when Layla begins laughing like crazy.  "Warren you are crazy!"  My boyfriend rolled his eyes as he put his arm around the back of my chair.

"Im sorry...whats going on?"

"Warrens taking Layla to homecoming."  Magenta shrugged and i felt like I was going to be sick.

"Um...why?" I questioned, trying to play it off, very happy I was such a convincing liar.

"Shes trying to get at Stronghold, and I figured it was okay since you probably didn't want to go."  I nodded.

"Yeah, whats the point of a stupid dance like that?" I lied through my teeth.  "Excuse me." I grabbed my bag, walking out of the cafeteria and outside, sitting under a tree, begining my homework so I didnt have to do it later.

"Hey." Layla said, sitting beside me.  "I told Warren not to come out and that I would talk to you.  I should have asked you first.  If its any consolation I didnt ask Warren out or anything, his name was just the first one out of my mouth, and I knew he would piss Will off.  I mean going with Gwen Grayson? Come on! Besides, its not like you want to go." 

"How Do You Know That?!" I shouted and she looked scared.  "Is it so hard to believe that maybe once in a while I might like to wear a dress and go to a dance? I am a girl you know! Just cause I dont dress like you and act like you doesnt mean I dont dream about a beautiful dress and dancing with my boyfriend all night! And now, because you dont have the balls to tell Will youre in love with him, I cant even dream about him asking me!"

"Well maybe your mate didnt want to go to the dance with a girl that looks like a vampire, maybe he wants a girlfriend who actually acts like a girl!" She screamed and as soon as she did I saw the regret.  "Oh god, Lili, I didnt mean that."  The next thing I knew Layla was one the ground holding her nose that I had probably just broken.

"For once, just for once a guy actually liked me rather than you, and you had to ruin it." She glared at me from the ground as I grabbed my bag.

"Only because youre his mate, if you werent, do you really think he would have looked at you twice?"  I knew she was mad now only because I had hit her.  I knew in 10 minutes she would regret saying it, but that doesn't mean it didnt hurt, or that it wasn't true...

I stormed back inside, knowing the bell was going to ring soon only to bump into a warm chest.  "Are you alright?  Layla said she would check on you but I needed to make sure."  I could feel the warm tears falling down my cheeks as I looked up at him, slapping his hands away as he went to wipe them off my face.

"She's right, if I wasn't your mate you never would have looked at me twice.  Have fun with Layla, okay? You can have one good night with a normal girl before you're saddled with me again." I snarled, pushing him away as the bell rang and going to class.  It was about 20 minutes in when I was called to Principal Powers office, where I was then suspended for a week for hitting Layla.  Warrens mom came to get me and took me home.  She was playing the mom bit really well, or at least I assumed, never having much of one to judge against her, until I explained what happened.  She held me for an hour while I cried, just trying to calm me down.

I ran upstairs as I heard the bus outside, locking my door and doing my homework.  10 minutes later there was a knock on my door, but I ignored it.

"Lili? Please let me in.  Im so sorry I didnt think to ask you.  I assumed you wouldnt want to go and that was wrong of me.  Youre so much different than all those other girls, but that doesnt mean I should treat you different.  Ive never had a girlfriend before,  ive never had to think about these things, and I'm truely sorry.  Come on Kitten, please let me in?"  I heard him sigh after a few more minutes, walking away.

I took time to finish my homework and shower before getting into my pajamas.  I then unlocked my door, and walked over to Warrens, looking in, seeing him asleep with his laptop on his chest.  I slid his boots off his feet, pulling the covers up and taking the laptop when the screen came back on.  It was opened to google and he was looking up 'what to do when your girlfriends mad at you'.  I smiled, plugging the laptop in and brushing the hair from his face, making his eyes open slightly before he sat up, realizing I was there.  "Babe, please listen to me?"

"I did.  I heard everything you said, and I forgive you.  I over reacted a little I guess, I was just hurt.  Ive never had a boyfriend before, Ive never had to think about these things." I addmitted making him chuckle, pulling me into the bed and cuddling me to him.  "Just promise you'll take me next year?  And to prom? If you do that then everythings okay."

"I promise.  Thank you for not holding a grudge."  I smiled, kissing him gently.

"Of course.  Just try and remember, I may be different but Im still a girl." He nodded kissing me again and we fell asleep content that night.

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