Chapter Two: Becoming Strong

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"Oh! There will be a royal ball next week! The celebration is about the second prince fifth birthday. Queen Ariah personally invited us to go." Mom said excitedly before turning to look at me with a weird expression plastered on her face.

I'm now here in the dining room eating breakfast with my dad, mom and older brother. I don't know why Lacy is a spoiled brat eventhough she has wonderful parents that was with her for four years. While me in my old life, I didn't even knew my parents. I grew up taking care and defending myself.

Dad shrugged, "By the way Ace, how's your magic training?"

My head shot up, i'm suddenly interested where this conversation is going. But I couldn't help but also flinch when Dad called older brother by my old name. Hey, it sounds a tad bit weird.

"It's okay. I'm learning a lot of things." Ace said with a smile.

Ace King Spades, he is my older brother by two years. He has light brown hair and golden eyes and his power is air.

I turned to look at Dad. Excitement and determination plastered on my face, "Dad! I want to learn magic!"

Dad turned to look at me, a bit surprised, "You're not exactly at the right age to sense and capture magic essence and activate your element."

I pouted, "I don't care! I want to learn magic like older brother! I want to get strong!"

Dad smiled proudly before patting my head, "Okay then, this afternoon you will join your older brother with his training, alright?"

Due to my excitement, I stood up from my seat before shotuing, "Yes! I'm so excited!" I shouted while raising both of my fists.

"Lacy! Manners! Sit down!"

I sat down obediently before apologizing to Mom while Dad and older brother are laughing.


I looked at the book I found earlier, it's called 'Basic Magic'. I arrived kinda early to the library due to my excitement. So while waiting for my older brother and his tutor, i'll try learning how to sense and capture magic essence.

In this world, only gifted people have magic. Magicians are kinda rare and is known across the continent for their power. So kids like Alistair and Brace are sure to be pampered. A prodigy and a genius. At such a young age and have already mastered their elements.

There are different levels to know a magician's power. The highest level is the Z level which I think no one has achieved yet. The magician is called a Beginner when he/she is at the 1st, 2nd or 3rd level. An Intermediate Beginner if it's in the 4th and 5th level. A Master if it's in the 6th and 7th. A Sage if it's in the 8th and 9th. A Legend if it's in the 10th, 11th and 12th level. A deity if it's in the X level and Z level.

Eventhough it's only a one number gap there is a huge power gap difference. People need many years of training just to level up. So magicians on a higher level are rare to find.

I sat down on the floor and closed my eyes before sensing my surroundings. Suddenly, glowing grayish spots appeared everywhere. I guess I learned how to sense magic essence quickly due to the trainings in my older life.

The spots started charging towards my body. My body feel relaxed and I feel a strong power inside of me.

I opened my eyes before looking at both of my hands which are glowing. I immediately read the next part before snatching another book about simple spells for my element. The next part is to activate your element by chanting a simple spell.

I tried using the floating spell, which is to fly using the air.

I let the air flow with my body movement. My body felt lighter and before I knew it, I was floating in the air.

"Yes! Wohoo! I'm flying!" I shouted before flying around the library. I suddenly remembered my actions before I stopped the spell and landed on one of the couches.

Prodigy people attract too many attention. As for a four year old that has already activated its element is sure to spread. Normal magicians would activate their element at the age of six or seven. So for now, I should keep my power in lowkey until I enter Ancient Academy.

Ancient Academy is one of the most elite school in this continent. It's where they train magicians to control their power and help them level up quickly. If lucky, maybe one of the Elders in the academy might take a student as their disciple. If this happens, not only the elder will teach the students his techniques but will also help the student be advanced on their lessons.

I activated the spell again before snatching all of the books that are connected to my power. To basic air spells up to ancient techniques. I'll try learning all of them in one go and would instantly level up before the royal ball.

Suddenly, the large door opens. Dad, older brother and the tutor entered the library. They were shocked to saw me on the floor already reading some books.

Dad walked to my direction, squatted and patted my head, "You sure are different Aicee."

I looked up and gave Dad a toothy grin before continuing to read the book.

"Mr. Spades, is she the one you're talking about?" A young man in the age of twenties asked the question. He has golden blonde hair and green eyes. He's wearing round glasses and he is holding a stack of books.

I poked the young man's knees, "Mr. Glasses, can I borrow one of your books. I know you're teaching older brother air magic."

The young man laughed before putting the books down, he held out his hand, "Young lady, i'm Vince Kins. Just like your older brother, i'm also an air-natured magician."

I took the hand and shook it violently, "Hello Mr. Vince! I'm Lacy or you can call me Aicee. I want to become strong!" I said with determination.

Mr. Vince was taken aback before patting my head, "I know you'll become strong in the future. But for know, it's best for you to only read books. Your elememt isn't activated yet."

I gave Mr. Vince a knowing smile before nodding and continued to read the book I was holding.

"Oh, if you only knew." I whispered.

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