Chapter Seven: The Truth

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After the blinding light disappeared, silence enveloped us while we still process about what just happened.

The Elder is still dumbfounded, his mouth agape, unable to accept that their headmaster... I mean headmistress has finally rest in peace or just vanished in the air. While Ice is on the other side of the room, watching us intently.

"A golden streak." Ice said suddenly.

I looked at him weirdly, "What?"

Ice stood up before walking to my direction before holding a handful of my light brown hair.


I looked at my hair in shock.

"It's golden!"

"Yeah but not all of your hair." Ice said before staring intently at it.


Both Ice and me turned to look at the Elder when he suddenly shouted. I look at the direction where the Elder is staring and became dumbfounded. Behind the headmistress desk are two handsome little boys.

"Who... are you?" I asked, still processing what happened. The surprises never seems to end!

"We're the yin and yang dragons. Mistress' mystical pet but now we're yours." The twins said in unison. I involuntarily shuddered.

Both of them look exactly alike. With their snowy white and ebony black hair and their dark red and violet eyes, it's no wonder that these little boys will grew up to be handsome men in the future.


"Did you just say mystical pets?" I asked.

Mystical pets are beneficial for mages. They serve as our guardian and can also accompany us in battle. Each pets have their own specialties and power. They can turn into their original and weapon form but I have never heard nor read of mystical pets turning into humans.

"Is that your original form?"

Both shook their heads, "No young miss."

"So, what are you guys doing here?" I asked while tilting my head.

"As we've said earlier, we're once Headmistress' Stone mystical pet. But because she passed her powers to you, we are now yours." The white haired boy stated calmly.

"But before the Headmistress departed, she told us to help you to adapt with mistress' power." The black haired boy said with a sigh.

"Other than we are your mystical pets, we'll also serve you as a guide on how to handle your new power." They both said in unison, again!

I frowned. After a minute, I nodded.

"Then, both of you know why part of my hair suddenly turned into gold?" I asked hopefully.

They both nodded.

"You only inherited quarter of mistress' power, and that is the air and ice element. The golden streak signifies that you're able to inherit and control quarter of mistress' power. Your hair will gradually change as you get stronger."

I almost stopped breathing when I heard what they said, "Air... and ice?" I ask while my lip is twitching.

"Yes, mistress have six element and each have one sub-element except for the light and dark element."


The white haired boy stepped up, "Let me explain." He started.

"Right now you received the ice element because you don't need to receive the air element because you're already an air mage. Mistress have ten elements in total, including the sub-elements. The main elements which are fire, water, earth and air. Its sub-elements are electricity, space, time and ice. And the forbidden elements which are light and dark."

"Mistress is the one in a hundred years Crystal Mage, which is a mage who'll inherit all elements. Right now, you're only able to receive quarter of mistress' power because the three main elements and the two forbidden elements are turned into element crystals and are scattered near the academy."

I almost fainted right there on the spot.

I'm a cheat! Literally!

No wonder the real protagonist, Ashley, became powerful in such short amount of time. And I curse myself for not reading the chapter where Ashley will inherit the headmistress' power.

I force myself not to let out a whine. I only intended to be strong at first so that I can save my parents. I didn't wish to be this strong! And a legendary Crystal Mage at that!

Eventhough this isn't an otome game or what, I feel like a cheat.

So now i'm bearing a heavy reponsibility and will encounter endless of trouble! Where's the protagonist when I need her?!

"So... that means I will need to retrieve these so called Element Crystals?"

"YES!" The twins beamed.

"No!" I wailed.

Suddenly, someone patted my shoulders. I turn to look at Ice, "Don't worry Lacy. I'll help you with your mission." He said with a smile.

I almost cried, "Thank you."

The twins suddenly looked at each other before circling Ice and sizing him up.

"Is it him?" The white boy asked.

"Maybe. His aura is different and powerful at that."

Then both of them stopped in front of Ice and nodded.

"You might be the Blue Crystal."

"What?" Both of us asked.

"Blue Crystal, the Crystal Mage soulmate." The black haired boy explained nonchantly.

My eyes almost bulged out.

"What?! What soulmate are you talking about?!" Both me and Ice asked, our faces red from embarrassment.

"Well, it's simple really. You need to have descendants-"

"Don't tell me i'm marrying him?!" I shrieked.

Both of them shrug.

"We're not yet sure. Although he has potential to be a Blue Crystal, time will tell if both of you are soulmates or not."

"What do you mean-


"You four are not going to stop me! Whether you like it or love it, i'll enter the freaking room!"


Instantly, the twins became black and white cats. They both ran towards my direction before looking at the person standing near the door, tilting their heads.

"Noo! I should be the one not her! I should be chosen!" Ashley wailed while Jake and Matthew both held her arms, stopping her from further destruction.

"Miss White, what are you doing barging inside the headmaster's office?" The Elder said seriously.

I backed up a bit when I saw Ashley's bloodshot and angry eyes staring at me and the twin cats.

"Noo! It should be me! It's all your fault!" Ashley shouted before breaking free from Jake and Matthew's grip.

And all hell break loose.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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