Chapter Five: Entrance Exam (12 years old)

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It's been eight years ever since the chandelier accident. I've altered their memories after learning the spell and now my secret is still safe. I'm already twelve years old and i'm already at the 10th level. I'm now at the right age to take the Ancient Academy's entrance exam.

"Older brother, what is Ancient Academy like?" I asked as I tugged on older brother's uniform.

"Well, it's a large school filled with powerful students. So you must be careful Aicee and try not to offend powerful people." He said before patting my head.

I cocked my head before answering sheepishly, "I'll try."

The carriage went to a halt and the door was pulled open. I immediately jumped out from the carriage with older brother following closely behind. I stared in awe at the large school right in front of me. If I hadn't knew that this is a school, I would have already mistaken it as a palace.

"Now Aicee, go to that Elder that is holding a sign that says 'Entrance Exam'. I'll be watching so good luck with the exam."

I nodded vigorously. My ponytail swayed as it almost hit my face. For some reason, as time goes by, my hair becomes lighter at the end. Right now, half of my hair is closed to the color of light brown.

Older brother only gave me a smile before running inside the school.

I looked at the Elder before walking towards the line. The Elder checked our attendance, when he saw that all of us are already present he clapped his hands to gain our attention.

"Listen everyone, Ancient Academy is an elite school. There is a standard that all of you will need to achieve in order to be accepted. Out of 200 that will take the entrance exam, approxiamtely 20 will surely pass. So good luck, your parents will be watching."

The Elder burned the sign he's holding before pushing the large double door open.

"Now follow me, the entrance exam will take place in the auditorium."

I walked as I continue to stare in awe at the architectural structure of the school. This school is much more cooler than Atria Academy by tenfold. And Atria Academy is one of the most top ten elite shools, ranking in number three.

When we reached the auditorium, the Elder guided us towards the stage in the middle. He made us line up according to our last name which we obeyed nonetheless. The Elder walked towards the middle of the stage, in his hands is a crystal globe.

"Now everyone, you need to be atleast in the 5th level to be accepted. If you're lower than the needed level, then you go home. If you're higher, then we are most welcome to accept another prodigy. Now this thing here is to determine your real power, it will easily detect if you're using a Limiter or an Enhancer. So cheating will be useless." The Elder said with a smirk.

"For the first tester, may I call on . . . "

I didn't bother watching what is happening as I let my eyes wander around. A certain pink hair caught my attention. I saw Ashley looking all proud and excited.

I turned to look at the spectators. I saw my parents and my older brother, they gave me a thumbs up when they saw me looking at them. I smiled in return. Behind my older brother are five familiar faces. I still remember the faces of the five male characters. But what caught my attention is the bracelet the prince is wearing.

I altered only my parents, the king and queen and Charles memory about the accident and the sudden action of me saving them. I was lucky when no one else saw what happened. With that part, I didn't bothered changing their memories about what happened before the accident. Too troublesome.

"Ashley White."

I turned to look when a certain name was called. Right now, only ten people are admitted, but all of them are boys. In Ancient Academy, you can hardly see girls anywhere.

Ashley touched the crystal globe with her palm. The globe turned blue as a number six appeared in the middle.

"Ashley White, a 6th level Master magician, her element is water."

The whole auditorium roared. The five looked at Ashley, slightly surprised about the level of her power.

Ashley jumped from joy before running towards the ten admitted people excitedly. The ten congratulated Ashley, others looked at her in amazement. As for now, Ashley has the highest score.

"Ice Hale."

An expressionless young boy walked up in front of the Elder. He has an aura that can give people the chills. Other than that, the young boy is also handsome. With his platinum blonde hair, light icy blue eyes and pale skin.

I watched the boy in amusement. There's something about his aura that tells me he's strong. And my hunch was proven correct when the boy touched the globe with his index finger and the globe turned light blue as a number eight appeared in the middle.

The Elder's jaw drop open.

"Ice Hale, an 8th level Sage magician, his element is ice."

The auditorium became quiet. After a while, it burst out clapping. Shock and disbelief plastered on the faces of the spectators.

I clearly saw how Alistair turned pale. As a prodigy, in the Entrance Exam he only achieved the 7th level. With Ice in the picture, Alistair place will sure be threatened.

Ice however, only shrugged before walking towards the admitted students. When Ice reached the line, Ashley bombarded him with tons of question which made Ice irritated.

I giggled.

"Lacy Heart Spades."

I stopped dead in my tracks before walking slowly towards the Elder. I saw older brother and my parents focused their attention on me. While the five looked at me with interest.

"Place your hand on the crystal globe." The Elder instructed.

My hands started to sweat. Oh well, my peaceful life will surely end here. But instead of touching the globe, I let out a powerful aura.

The globe burst in color as it turned into gray and a number ten appeared in the middle.

Right now, the Elder lets go of the crystal globe in shock which I caught easily using my reflexes. As I touched the globe, it shone brightly as it shattered into pieces. The sound reverbrated in the auditorium.

The auditorium suddenly became quiet. Until I decided to break the silence.

"Did I pass?" I asked sheepishly.

The Elder looked at me in disbelief. He then made the shattered glass disappeared before pulling out a larger crystal ball.

"Again." He said seriously.

I nodded before touching the globe using my index finger. It started shining again as it made a crack in the middle. The number ten and eleven appeared in the middle.

"Lacy Heart Spades, a peek 10th level Legend, her element is air."

The auditorium was deathly silent. I lowered my head before I walked towards the line slowly.

Ice greeted me with a smile, which shocked me. He then held out his hand,


I cocked my head, ignoring the deathly glares Ashley is giving me. I accepted his hand before saying,

"Thanks, and you too."

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