Chapter Three: Royal Ball

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"Lacy Heart Spades! Get back here and wear the dress!"

I laughed and stuck my tongue out before waving the wooden sword in my right hand. Mom is chasing me around the mansion with a dress in her right hand. Two maids are following closely.

"Argh! Capture that girl!"

A butler suddenly appeared in front of me. I jumped to the ground and slid in between his legs before running away again.

I pass by Dad and older brother who is laughing. Dad is holding his stomach and tears are flowing out from his eyes while older brother is on the ground choking for air in between his laughs.

"Dear, let Lacy decides on her own. I think she's going through the rebel stage." Dad said after regaining his composure.

Mom turned to look at Dad before giving him a deadly glare which made him flinch, "No! She's a girl! She'll go to the ball wearing a dress! Any dress for that matters! And that's final!"

I stopped running before turning around, "Any dress, huh?"

Mom suddenly realized what she said.

"Do you hate dresses Lacy?" Mom asked in a calm voice. I guess she's kinda tired from chasing me around the house for hours. Especially if you're wearing a dress.

I shrugged, "I'd hate the dress if it's too frilly or girly or flowery. I want a simple one."

Mom let out a heavy sigh, "My daughter is really different. Okay, you can choose your dress." She said in defeat.


"Yes. And I hope you'll look nice young lady. We're attending a royal ball for pete's sake."

I only nodded before running upstairs, "Love you Mom!"

"Sure you do." I heard her muttered.

I shook my head before running towards my room. It's been six days since I activated my element, so far, i'm off to a pretty good start.

I've already mastered the advanced spells i've learned secretly. Right now, i'm a 5th level magician. Which would be surprising if someone knew 'cause a normal magician would earn that level after training for like three and a half years, so I kept it a secret. Next week, i'll start building up my body.

My body is kinda frail not like my old one. I can't do some dangerous techniques 'cause that will danger my body.

When I entered my room I rummaged through the dresses in my walk in closet. For some reason, I really don't like wearing girly stuff. And for some another reason, my closet is filled with girly clothes which is useless in the first place.

I pulled a dress that is at the very back of the closet. The dress is white and gold, which looked kinda simple yet elegant. It has flowing sleeves and a large pink rose on the left side of my waist.

I immediately wore the dress. I ditched the sandals and instead wore brown ankle boots. Faye ponytailed my hair and left some few strands hanging. I was about to run downstairs when Faye tapped my shoulder.

"Don't forget the charm bracelet you made Miss Lacy."

I suddenly remembered the bracelet. Today is the second prince's birthday. So instead of buying him expensive things, which I think he already has, I instead made him a bracelet made out of yarn. The bracelet is black, white and gold with a small crown in the middle.

I snatched the bracelet from my desk before running outside the house. I suddenly bumped into Dad.

He turned around before patting my head, "Come on Lacy."

"Okay!" I grinned before hopping inside the carriage.


"Lacy Heart Spades!"

I immediately run towards older brother when a man suddenly announced my name.

Older brother only stroke my hair to calm me down, "Don't worry Aicee, older brother is here."

In the first place, I don't have any intentions in attending the ball if it's not for the reason that my future life is at stake here. In my old life, i'm kinda introverted and doesn't do well in interacting with people.

"Come on Lacy, we're going to meet the king and queen."

I smiled brightly before nodding excitedly and hold unto my older brother's arms. Many young girls are staring at older brother with awe while some are staring at me with jealousy.

I giggled before turning to look at older brother, "Older brother is popular. Do you have someone you like?"

Older brother was taken aback by my question. He avoided my gaze and I saw how his ears turned pink.

"What are you talking about? You're too young for that kind of stuff."

I only pouted and returned my gaze towards my parents who is talking to the king and queen. When my Mom saw me, she immediately pulled me towards their direction, leaving older brother with Dad who avoided the conversation.

"Lacy meet his royal highness King William and her royal highness Queen Ariah." Mom said as she pointed at two persons with a crown on their head and is wearing lavish clothing.

I waved my hand, "Hello! I'm Lacy! It's nice meeting you your hignesses!" I said without even bowing. Well, I don't know the rules of etiquette.

Mom suddenly smacked my head, "Lacy, manners! Stop embarrassing me!"

"Ow! It's not my fault that i'm clumsy at bowing!" I retorted while rubbing my head.

King William chuckled while Queen Ariah smiled, "Ayaya! Evelyn, she's your daughter. It won't be a wonder if she grew up to be like you, a sadist."

Mom crossed her arms, "Tsk, she won't grew up like me. Look at her! Can you even call that a dress?!"

I ignored their conversation with Queen Ariah and instead turned to look at King William. I poked his knees using the wooden sword I brought.

King William turned to look at me and smiled, "What is it young lady?"

I humphed before frowning, "I'm not a proper lady, you could atleast called me a young girl for me to only get insulted lightly."

"You're a proper lady Lacy. You're just different from the others."


"Really. While other girls would have preferred fancy dresses, ribbons and rainbows there are still other girls that would have preferred swords, fighting and armors. Each girl are different in their own way. So now don't call yourself not a proper lady. Being a proper lady is having respect for herself. Now, are you a proper lady?"

I jumped and waved my sword in the air, "Yes! I'm a proper lady!" I shouted with pride.

King William patted my head with a smile.

I turned and looked at his back, "Anyways, where's the second prince? I'm going to give him his gift."

"Ahh! You're talking about Charles right? I think he's on the dance floor with his fiance."

I nodded before running towards the dance floor. My first action is to keep a close eye on those two. From the story, the heroine and the prince will have a fight. And with that fight will activate the heroine's power and a water dagger will be thrown at the rope of a chandelier dangling above the queen and my parents. The water dagger is made by the heroine out of her anger and she will throw it somewhere, obviously not knowing an accident will happen.

I sat on one of the tables that are secluded but have a spectacular view of the two. The two are dancing on the dance floor. The heroine is smiling widely while the second prince looks like he is going to die out of boredom.

"Are you alone?"

I turned and saw four boys looking at me.

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