Chapter Four: The Royal Accident

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"Are you alone?"

I turned and saw four boys looking at me. If i'm not mistaken, these four boys are the knight, bestfriend, prodigy and the genius!

I almost smacked my head when I remembered something. The four are the second prince's friends. So obviously they will attend the prince's birthday. In the story, neither of them will get the chance to meet the heroine because the heroine is busy comforting the second prince over the death of his mother.

"Oh, is this table already reserved by you four? I'm sorry, I don't know. I'll immediately leave." I said before getting up.

I was about to leave when Jake suddenly held my arm.


"It's okay, you can stay. There is an extra chair."

I smiled before nodding and sitting in between them.

"What are you looking at?" I asked when I saw them giving me curious gazes.

"The sword." Alistair answered before pointing at the wooden sword.

"Oh this? I always bring my wooden sword, it helps me protect the people I want to protect."

"But why bring it here? It will ruin your look you know." Red said thoughtfully.

I shrugged, "I don't care. I feel empty without it you know?"

"I feel you." Jake said with a smile. Right, he is a guardian knight.

I retracted my gaze and turned to look at the two dancing gracefully on the middle. Suddenly, a girl bumped in between them which made both of them to let go of each other. The prince immediately ran towards our direction while the heroine is busy scolding the girl.

"Help! I can't take it anymore! She's so noisy! She can't stop talking! She goes on and on!" The prince complained when he arrived. The four only laugh at his pity.

Suddenly, Jake pushed me towards the prince, "Here, take Lacy with you."

"What? How did you know my name?"

"I heard your name a while ago. Now go and help the prince, I know it's one of your dreams to dance with him." Jake said while shrugging.

Without thinking, I smacked his head, "Stupid! I don't even know how to dance! And eww! I won't have a dream like that! I'm different from those who is head over heels for him." I said while I roll my eyes.

The five look at me, their mouths drop open.


"I don't care if you're unwilling! You're going to dance with me!"

Before I knew it, I was pulled towards the dance floor and got face to face with the prince. I gave him a look of disgust.

The prince only chuckled, "You're weird."

"Thank you!"

I lowered my head and looked at our feet. Without knowing, my right foot suddenly stepped on the prince's left foot.

"Sorry." I said sheepishly.

The prince suddenly held my chin and made me looked at him. I was trying to avoid his gaze but the prince held my chin tightly, but not enough for me to get hurt. My golden eyes met his blue ones.

"Look at me and stop looking at our foot. It's kinda rude you know."

"I don't care." I spat.

I did a twirl and saw the heroine already charging towards our direction. I immediately pulled out the prince hand and placed the bracelet on his palm.

"Happy birthday and sorry for being rude! I gotta go now, your wife is angry! Bye!" I shouted before dashing towards our secluded table. I plopped down on my chair and heaved a sigh before listening to their conversation.

"Where have you been Charlesy?! I got seperated yet you didn't even bothered finding me!" Ashley shouted before stomping her foot.

"My name's Charles and not Charlesy. And I don't care if you got lost! Heck, I don't care about you anyway." The prince spat coldly. Ouch! Talk about a bad marriage.

"What's that?! Who gave that bracelet to you?! So cheap! Not fit for a prince!"

Ashley tried snatching the bracelet away but Charles already put it inside his pocket.

"No! You're not the boss of me! I like it and i'm going to keep it. Come on! People are looking!" Charles said irritatedly before pulling Ashley to a secluded area.

Now that's my cue!

I jumped and stood on the table which made the four look at me with shock and amusement.

Jake suddenly held my hands, "Hey hey! What are you doing?"

I ignored his question and searched for my parents. I saw them talking at the other side of the dance floor with the queen while the king is on the buffet table getting food for his wife.

"No! You're mine! Remember that!" I heard Ashley roared.

I saw on my peripheral vision how magic essence burst forth from her body. A water dagger formed on her hand as she threw it aimlessly.

With that, I ran towards my parents like mad. The chandelier above their head started swinging. I saw how the chandelier's rope was cut in half and how the chandelier slowly fell.

When I reached my parents, I didn't wasted any second as magic essence surrounded my body.

"Air net! Bind the chandelier!"

Four white strings coming from my hands snaked its way towards the chandelier as it multiplied into a dozen and made a net. It captured the chandelier from falling. But I couldn't keep the chandelier for too long, it's heavy.

I turned around and focused on the rope that was cut.

"White strings!" I shouted again. And the rope that was cut started stitching itself. I heaved a sigh before dispersing the net when the rope was fixed.

I staggered but before I hit the ground, two strong arms caught me. At a time like this, who knew I made a breakthrough. I'm already at the 6th level.

"I got you."

I turned my head and saw Charles grinning face.

"What's with the smug look?!"

Charles only shook his head before helping me sit on one of the chairs nearby. He then turned to look at the Queen who is still shocked from the accident.

"Mother, are you alright?"

The Queen's head shook before turning to look at me with a solemn expression, "Lacy, you saved me! But how did you do that? How old are you anyway?"

Right now, the queen, my parents, the king who just arrived and Charles all looked at me with a weird expression.

"Erm! I think i'm four years old? Or maybe five or six?" I answered while my head is lowered.

Mom, who just recovered from the shock, suddenly smacked my head.

"Ow! Is that how you thanked a person who just saved your life?"

"Well, thank you. And what are you talking nonesense? Your four years old! You don't know your age?! You're four! Wait . . . what?!"

I stood up from my chair and raised my sword sheepishly, "Ta-da! I'm already a Master magician! I'm at the 6th level already!" I shouted that only the six of us can hear.


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