the dare

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"Ugh, homecoming week is coming." That was me looking at a preppy poster. "I know, right. I mean seriously, tie dye day; that's just tacky." Punzie says, pointing at the poster. "Says you." Hiccup says, gesturing toward her moriar tea shirt. "Do not mock the shirt." "OK, it's not my division anyways." The puns, the puns, someone save me from the puns!

"Anyways," Anna starts, "are you guys going to homecoming?" A series of no's went around the table until it came to Kristoff "I don't know, are we going, Anna?" "Maybe. If we can get these nerds to come." "We're not going," I speak for everyone. "It'll be fun." She is whining again "Why can't we just stay home and watch crappy romance movies and eat junk food?" "Because, this is senior year and we won't have another homecoming together." "I don't know, Anna, you and Kristoff are the only ones with dates. I am not showing up to homecoming without a date. It is cool in theory, but in real life it's kinda awkward." "Fine, I'll get back to you on that, Kristoff." Anna has a smirk on her face and something tells me this conversation is far from over.

We eat in silence for a bit when they walk in. The hipsters. They think that they are sooo cool.

"Move over, nerds." "Um, excuse me," I say, standing in front of the one with white hair,"the correct term you're looking for is geeks, and no, we won't move over, so you and your little weirdos can just move along.

I usually don't speak for the group, but I am so not in the mood to be walked all over today so i shove him a bit and they eventually walk away  begrudgingly and sit on the opposite side of the room.

I can't believe they just took our table. Nobody ever sits there because it is winter and the draft is freezing, but they'll figure that out soon enough.

"Yer all going to homecoming, right?" Merida has forced every school dance upon us since freshman year and I doubt her intentions are any different this year. "Merida, why do you insist on making us go to every dance even though you never have a date?" Astrid probably just asked because she doesn't have a date either, but ya know, that's none of my business. "I don't need a date to have fun, and if we don't go, well never know what we're missing out on." She says, twirling her fork. "Can we just talk about this later?" I ask. "Ooh, I know! Let's play I dare you." Flynn says raising his hand for some odd reason. Suddenly Merida has a sneaky look on her face, but we all agree to play anyways. "Okay, then. Jack, I dare ye to go to homecoming." I groan dramatically, but agree. "I wasn't finished. I dare ye to go to homecoming with her." She is pointing, but I'm afraid to look; I turn slowly in my chair and gasp as I gaze at the platinum blonde hair from across the cafeteria. "Fine." I say, devising a plan that hopefully works.

I glare at Merida and walk across the lunchroom and tap the girl's shoulder. "Hey," I start, gazing into her flawless, beautiful, bright blue eyes,"So you going to homecoming? Of course you are. Because you're going with me. Pick you up at 7:30?" I add a wink to top it off. Her eyes widen as a girl with strawberry blonde hair holds in squeals.

"Umm, well I hope you didn't expect me to actually go to homecoming with you because I'm not, so, if you don't mind, I'd like to finish my lunch in peace so uhh... Buh-bye." She totally turned me down and even added in a sassy wave at the end.

What a jerk. He finally walks away after a moment of shock and I turn to my friends with a satisfied look. "What did you just do?!?" Anna demands. "I turned down a jerk and I'm about to tell you the same thing I told him: I'd like to finish my lunch in peace."

"I'm not gonna pretend like nothing happened. What if he isn't a jerk?" Anna asks. "Then some other lucky girl will get to go with him. Plus, I'm not going to homecoming with a guy I just met; I don't even know his name." "Well," Hiccup pipes up, "I've done some creeping and his name is Jack Frost, major hipster (obviously), not a player, actually he's only had one girlfriend, Toothiana and their relationship lasted for two years. It ended because she moved to California and they decided that a high school  relationship would be too hard to deal with long distance. So really, he's a great guy who happens to be a hipster and I'm not entirely sure why he did what he did." He looks up from his  laptop, satisfied with my  surprised silence.

"So..." Punzie presses. "So what? He didn't tell me that. My creepy techy friend told me that! Either way, him being a nice guy doesn't change the fact that I just met him. My decision is final."

She totally rejected me, but hey, I can't say that my intentions were any different; and bonus points to her for the moxie, really was the cherry on the top of the ice cream sundae.

I sit down at the table and Merida starts questioning me as soon as I get back. "Sooo..." "So what?" I ask, fully knowing the question. "So, was she dazzled?" Flynn asked sarcastically, giving me jazz hands. "Look guys, she totally rejected me. Squashed my offer." "Squashed?" Merida asks, crestfallen. "Like a grape." Mr peanut gallery answers, squishing a grape as I roll my eyes.

"Well, its a good thing that wasn't the dare, Jack. The dare was to GO to homecoming with her, not to ask her to homecoming. Ye clearly blew yer first chance. It will be harder now, but I believe yer capable. Hope yer creative." She gives me a smug look and I want to do something drastic, but I'm going to be the bigger person.

"Fine. But since this will take a while, I'm gonna make a dare. Flynn, you see that girl over there?" I ask, pointing to a girl with long, blonde hair. "You have to go to homecoming with her."

If I'm going down, he's going down with me.

Hello, so I haven't updated in a while bc of finals, but I'll try to get another chapter tomorrow. There's not many people reading this right now, but that's okay; I mostly write these for myself bc I enjoy it. I know the writing sucks, but, I try and its the thought that counts. Yer probably bored, so have a wonderful weekend. Ily all (all like, one of you, but I tried lol) ❄💙❄💙❄💙❄many jelsa dreams❄💙❄💙❄💙

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