interesting conversation

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I can't believe daddy's making me marry Jack Frost; I don't want to, you know. I usually go along with whatever stupid schemes they throw at me, but this is too far. How am I supposed to tell them that though? I'm smart and I don't want the record company. I want to be free and make my own designs and never have to touch the company. Janessa would rather have it; her passion is music, mine is art. I'm not going to let this happen.

Daddy like never sleeps, so when I get up at 1:00 in the morning, I act surprised, but I knew he would be in the kitchen. "Hey daddy." Maybe using nicknames will make him see me as his little girl again. "Yes dear?" He says, looking up from his papers. "I've been thinking about the merging," I start, putting a hot cocoa in the keurig "and I think it's a great idea. But... Idon'twanttomarryJackFrost." I finish as fast as I can and prepare myself for what will probably come next.

"Veronica, dear,"he says, taking of his reading glasses "I can understand not wanting marry a man you just met, but I'm afraid it's final. I'm signing the papers right now. Marriage isn't about finding true love. It's about commitment and I'm sure you can learn to love him." I take my cup and slam it on the counter, making cocoa spill out and my father jump. "That's exactly the problem, daddy! You can understand but you don't try to understand. I don't love Jack Frost and I never will except as a friend. Look, I'm not marrying him so I hope you have some better idea to provide the finality you need for the merger!" I slam my cup on the counter one more time, shattering it "I just want you to see me as your little girl again, tell me that fairytales are still true." I say quietly, holding back tears and run upstairs.

"I'm home!"I yell into the air. Might as well get this over with. "In the living room, Jackson!" My mother yells grin across the house. I go into the living room and prepare myself for her words. "I know your lying, Jackson." She could always see through me. I can't lie to her, but Elsa agreed that we're official for this very purpose. "I'm not lying. Even call Elsa or anyone. They'll all tell you the same thing. I make no joke when I tell you I have every intention of marrying her. You know I'm not a player." I make a little whirlwind of snowflakes and twirl it around, trying my hardest to look confident that she'll call the whole thing off.

"Look, Jack; intentions don't always turn out as planned. This is a wonderful example and lesson for you. As I says, life is a little more spontaneous than that." She now has me trapped. I'm going to have to take a different route to get out of this. I can't outsmart my mother, but I think I can still get out of this.

"Fine. Can I have her phone number? I mean, I still can't marry a person I just meet." I say, giving an apologetic smile except I think I might look like I just died inside.

She gives me the number and I make a plan. It takes me until almost 1:30 in the morning, but I've perfected it. I call the number and she answers. "This is Veronica Arens, how can I help you and can it wait until morning?" Her voice cracked like she is holding back tears. I hate that sound, no matter who it is it shatters my heart into a million pieces every time. "Yeah, Veronica. I know you don't wanna marry me and don't deny it because I can tell by your voice that I didn't wake you up and you've been crying." I say, trying to be nice. "You're right. But our parents are serious about this. How do we stop them?" She asks me. "I haven't worked out all the details yet, but meet me tomorrow at six at Starbucks and we'll figure it out."I tell her and hang up.

We work on the project at Jack's house today because we need to decide on his outfits and start filming. We get about half of the video done today and we'll finish it on Thursday and finish the sound tomorrow. Mrs Frost tells me to stay because she has something important for me after dinner. We eat and she shoos Jack and takes me into the design room.

"So, remember when you asked me about if it was possible to make a dress change? Well, I talked to everyone that could possibly know, even Hiro Hamada and he says that it's possible, but the technology hasn't been invented yet and he doesn't have the resources to make it happen. It will require extensive funding that I have provided, but it will still take between three and four years to perfect. I'm sorry." She says, pacing around the room.  "That's okay, Mrs Frost. I can wait. Meanwhile I'll perfect my designs." I really was disappointed, I really was hoping it would be done within the year, but at least it's possible. "I've heard that your cousin, Rapunzel is quite crafty." She says waiting for a reply. "Yeah, she's usually the one who brings my designs to life." I answer. "Oh, good. Do you think she could meet with me tomorrow after school?" I tell her that Punzie would love to meet with her.

Its getting late so I have to leave before everyone at my house goes to sleep. I talk to Punzie and she agrees to go to their house after school tomorrow.

*time skip to Wednesday after school

Elsa gave me directions to the Frost mansion so I leave by myself after school. I have my own car, but Anna only has her temps so I usually have to drive home with her in Elsa's car after school, but today Elsa took her home.

I come to a house in guessing belongs to them and ring the doorbell. An eager blonde woman opens the door and quickly drags me into a huge design room. "So," she says leaning on the table "can you keep a secret

Hello mg lovely snow angels and that one kid throwing snowballs at people while they sled. What do you think the secret is? I know it's probably obvious. Anyways, you probably read mg other chapter and I'm changing it to every 500 reads I get I will start another jelsa book. Anyways, gtg. I love you all❄💙❄💙❄💙❄ many jelsa dreams❄💙❄💙❄💙❄

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