Chapter 13

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I woke up to a loud crash downstairs. Justin must've heard it too because he jumped up."what was that?"I whispered. He shrugged. We got up. Justin grabbed a baseball bat. Right before he opened the door he pushed me behind him. I looked behind me every so often just incase. We walked down the stairs slowly and over to where the sound came from. We went into the dining room and turned on the light. Justin swung and the person, to be specific za screamed."what the fuck dude?"Justin said."I fell"za said."your such a dumbass"I said and he glared at me. I walked into the kitchen and opened up the fridge. I grabbed a sprite and closed the fridge. I looked up at the kitchen window and that man was standing in the neighbors yard. I slowly, with my eyes still on him was looking towards where the guys were."j-Justin"I yelled. He came in the kitchen."d-do you s-see that?"I asked him pointing out the window. He looked out the window and his face changed."oh my God. So I wasn't just being tired."He said. Za walked in saying something and we looked at him with panicked faces."what in the. Y'all looked like you just killed someone. Did you?"he asked."shut up za no we didn't."I said. I sat on the counter."who the hell is he?"I wondered aloud. I felt a hand on my knee."don't know. Let's think of something that might help us."Justin said."ok so have you.....been seeing that?"he asked me. I nodded."twice. And this would be the third time."He nodded."ok. That's not enough information"he said."let's just go to bed and figure it out in the morning."Justin said. He went to leave but I grabbed his arm."seriously?"I asked him. He nodded."He could be out there about to come in and kill us, you really think this is a good time for sleep?"I asked him in all seriousness. Justin just looked at me."whatever"I said walking past him up the stairs. He came after me and got into bed. I tried to fall back asleep but my stomach was making it impossible. I got up and took out my hair. I let it fall freely down my back. Justin was sound asleep. I took out my phone and checked the time. 3:30am. I layed back and looked up at the ceiling. My phone started ringing. Not checking the caller I.d. I answered."hello?""have you seen your brother for the past week?"it was my mom. I thought about it and now that I have I really haven't seen him at all this week."no why?""because I haven't either"she said. Shit."wait so we have no clue where he is?""I guess not""oh my God. I'll try and call him tomorrow mom."I could hear her crying on the other end."don't worry mom. I'm pretty sure we'll find him"I said trying to reassure her."okay"ok I love you mom. Bye""bye sweetie love you too"she said hanging up. I took in a shaky breath and closed my eyes. 'God, please protect Alex, please. He is my only brother and I couldn't ask for a better one. Please let him come home safely. Please.'I prayed. Soon my eyes became heavy and I fell asleep.


I woke up and didn't feel sick anymore. That's weird. I looked over and sighed.'of course he's not there' I got up and grabbed my phone. I dialed Alex's number. I put it up to my ear and waited. Nobody answered. I'll try a little later. Justin walked in the room."hey babe how are you feeling?"Justin asked."fine actually"I replied looking at him. He furrowed his eyebrows."hold on"he said walking into the bathroom. I watched him as he came out with a thermometer. What. He walked over to me. I opened my mouth and he put it under my tongue. *Beep beep* He looked at it. Your temperature is normal. He raised his eyebrows and looked at me."yay!"I said smiling."anyways Justin take me home I need to change"I said. He nodded and we went downstairs. We walked out to the car and got in. We drove to my house. About 10 minutes later we were at my house. I walked inside and up the stairs. I went into my room and walked into the bathroom. I started the shower and got undressed. I got in and let the water run through my hair and down my back. I washed my hair and then my body. I rinsed off and hopped out the shower. I wrapped my self in a towel and went into my room. I went over to my dresser and opened the drawer. I put on some undergarments and dropped my towel. I went over to my closet. 'What to wear what to I know!' I grabbed black jeans, a black tank top, and a black shirt with the whole back lace. I quickly put on my outfit and walked into the bathroom. I put on my make up and left my hair natural. I grabbed a black beanie that had bieber stitched on the front in caps. I put it on and went back into my closet. I grabbed  my black supras and put them on. I walked into my bathroom looking in the mirror. Satisfied with my outfit, I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs. Justin was on the couch."are you coming with or nah?"I asked him. He turned towards me and gaped." coming with me?"I asked. He shook his head."k"I said grabbing my keys and walking out the door. I got in my car and drove towards Bryans house, Alex's best friend. I knocked on the door. A boy with black hair and piercing blue eyes opened the door. He looked 18. I bit my lip."Um Hi is my brother Alex here?"I asked the angel in front of me."I don't know um hold on"he said."BRYYYAN"he yelled into the house. He looked back at me and smiled. I smiled back and seen a boy behind him with the same hair but green eyes."what?"the boy I'm guessing is Bryan asked. The older boy moved out the way and walked upstairs. Bryan looked at me. He whistled."what's  a cutie like you doing here?"he asked as he leaned against the doorway. I rolled my eyes."looking for my brother. Where's Alex."I demanded. He called Alex. 5 minutes later Alex appeared."yeah?"he said."your hot sister is here"Bryan said. I rolled my eyes again. Bryan went somewhere else leaving me and Alex."where the hell have you been?"I asked him."here"he said."why"I more like said."I needed space from mom"he said."well you got your space. Let's go."I said."please let me stay 3 more days. I promise I'll come home after 3 days. please"he said with pleading eyes. I looked at him then sighed. I felt my face soften."okay. 3 days and you better be home. Oh and don't ignore my calls or texts mister"I said smiling."okay"he said smiling. I hugged him. I looked behind him and noticed Bryan and his brother staring at me. Right when I looked at them they acted like they were talking. I giggled. We pulled back from the hug."love you sis"Alex said."love you too"I said. I turned to leave but then I heard"wait"I turned back around and Bryans brother said that. I cocked my head to the side."I don't think we formally met. Hi I'm Brent."said smiling with his hand out. I smiled and took it."Shae"I said. He shook my hand slowly."hi shae. If you wouldn't mind.....I would like to exchange numbers."He said. I reached in my back pocket and grabbed my phone. I unlocked it and handed it to him. He handed me his. I put my number and name in. I pressed save and handed him his phone as he handed me mine. I read it out loud."That sexy mofo"I laughed. He read what I put in."The boss ass bitch"he chuckled and I smiled."well I gotta go"I said."alright I'll text you"he said."ok"I said and I got in my car. I drove away. I arrived at my house and went inside. I didn't see Justin but his car was here. I went up to my room and took off my shoes. I looked up and Justin was laying on his stomach, shirtless and on his phone. I couldn't help but stare at his back and butt. I walked over to the bed. I climbed on top of him and put my head on his shoulder. I wrapped my arms around his torso."hey"he said turning and kissing my cheek."hi"I replied. He locked his phone and turned around so he was on his back. He leaned up and connected his lips with mine. I kissed back. I pulled back after 5 minutes. There was a knock at the door downstairs.'I wonder who that could be' Justin and I both looked at the door.

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