The following morning, Tarquin came up to Espen's suite to ask him if he would like to have another horseback riding lesson. Espen agreed, for he longed to have a little respite before the knight's gathering that was supposed to take place that afternoon.
After Espen had heard about Engres, he turned the idea around and around in his mind, trying to come to terms with the fact that he had an evil uncle. It was frightening, to be sure, but also interesting. After all, as many answers as Wesley gave, it also opened up just as many questions. Espen found himself wondering what his uncle looked like, what his interests were besides assassinating people, and above all, how he could be defeated. However, he kept all of these churning thoughts to himself for now; hoping to broach them at the knight's gathering. But as the teenager followed Tarquin and Verbum through the clouds and past the many island of Noitcif, all his musings left him, and he was left feeling happy, content, and free.
After half an hour of flying, the two friends came to land atop the Island of Erolklof; a quaint, peaceful land that had drifted a ways from the rest of the islands. While they let the two steeds wander off to graze, Tarquin broached the debate of whether to use unicorns, pegasi, or normal horses for farming – something he had previously said he had worked out in theory. The messenger was prattling along about why pegasi wouldn't be a good choice to pull the plows because they were high strung and might spook and fly away, when a very odd occurrence took place. Espen was nodding and staring into his friend's sapphire eyes when the messenger stopped speaking as if someone had clapped a hand over his mouth and sat there, stone-faced.
Just when Espen started to get really worried, the messenger blinked, straightened himself up, and let out a low exhale. To Espen's surprise, he realized the hoop earring Tarquin wore in his left earlobe was glowing.
"Tarquin... what happened?" Espen asked.
"King Estevan..."
The young king realized that his friend's jaw was set and his tone was stiff.
"A girl just called my name... someone about your age... who did you tell about me?"
"What?" Espen stammered as Tarquin began to rise to his feet. Suddenly, the answer hit him like a ton of bricks. "Oh... it must be Rosalind. Rosalind Winter. She's my next door neighbor."
"Rosalind Winter," Tarquin repeated. "What affiliation does she have with you and the Kingdom of Noitcif?"
"None that I know of. But-"
"Do you value your loyalty to your kingdom or not, King Estevan?" he snapped, making Espen take a step backwards.
"I do! I do! I overheard Camilla telling her about contacting you! I don't know why she told her, but she was talking about having some problems with her family... Tarquin..." Espen suddenly realized the cause for Rosalind calling him in the first place. "... she's in trouble!"
"When was she told?"
"The night before Camilla and I left for Noitcif." Espen was suddenly more concerned about Rosalind's safety than convincing his friend of his loyalty.
"Do you know if she has any allegiance to Ytilaer?"
"Not that I know of."
"And none to Noitcif?"

The Kingdom of Noitcif
FantasyThe last thing an adolescent wants is to realize that the world they've been living in for the past fourteen years is a lie. Unfortunately for Espen, when a unicorn-riding messenger knocks at his front door and gives him a piece of disturbing news...