Noitcif: Noit-sif
Ytilaer: Yeh-til-eye-air
Verbum: Ver-boom
Vastuta: Vas-two-tah
Hytm: Hit-mmm
Aipotu: A-po-two
Erolklof: Erol-kuh-loaf
Engres: En-grease
Ytreop: Yeh-tray-op
Rorroh: Row-row
Ecnamor: Ec-nah-more
Aipotusid: A-po-two-sid
Yretsym: Yeh-rate-sim
Erutnevda: Air-root-nev-dah
Ydemoc: Yeh-dem-awk

The Kingdom of Noitcif
FantasyThe last thing an adolescent wants is to realize that the world they've been living in for the past fourteen years is a lie. Unfortunately for Espen, when a unicorn-riding messenger knocks at his front door and gives him a piece of disturbing news...