Espen returned on the back of Tarquin's unicorn at precisely five-fifty-nine. As he jumped down, he noticed he was once again clad in the hoodie and jeans he had left with, and Tarquin's attire was also plain and tattered with unkempt hair, and he was a good two inches shorter.
"Thank you very much Tarquin. I had an unbelievable time. And... I'll see you tomorrow?"
Tarquin gave a hearty bow. "Whenever you are ready to return, Prince Estevan, just call my name and I will come to wherever you are," the messenger responded. "And if you need any assistance, please... shout loud and clear. I shall hear you."
With that, Tarquin wheeled his steed around, gave a hearty cry, and Verbum took off like a shot down the gravel street, kicking up rocks and dirt as he went until the teen could see them no more.
Espen put his hand on the doorknob of his little farm house and heard his mom humming to herself inside, completely oblivious to what had just happened. Or... not his mom. Camilla. Espen shivered. It was so strange to think of himself as being adopted, but that was basically what had happened to him. And yet... he wasn't an orphan. Never had been. Camilla only took care of him all these years because it was necessary and in her own kind heart to do so. With a smile, the red-haired teen thrust open the front door and called the lady-in-waiting by the name he knew her as for so long.
"Hi, Mom."
Camilla turned around, her light blonde hair floating about on her shoulders and a smile appearing upon her mouth.
"Why, hello there, Espen!" she greeted in her usual cheerful manner. "I saw your sticky note on the fridge. Where did you head off to? Did you meet a new friend?"
Espen opened his mouth to respond, but then closed it again, crossed his arms against his chest, and gave her a lopsided grin. "Why, yes. I actually met two friends today, with the possibility of meeting many more."
"Oh?" Camilla asked, setting the wooden spoon in her hand beside the stove and turning to look her son in the eye.
It wasn't often that Espen came home, announcing he had made an acquaintance.
"Oh, yes. The first is a unicorn riding messenger, and the second is a great king." Suddenly, Espen's face lost all of it's feigned pompousness, and transformed into a look of amazement and awe. "Mom!" he breathed, placing his hands upon her shoulders. "I went to Noitcif!"
Camilla gave a small gasp, and her hand flew to her mouth. For a moment, Espen wondered if he had said something wrong. After all, she had been working hard to keep his birthplace a secret for these last fourteen years. But in an instant, her face melted into one of pure happiness and joy as she wrapped her arms around Espen.
"Oh, Prince Estevan!" she cried, putting her chin on his shoulder. "Isn't it a marvelous place?"

The Kingdom of Noitcif
FantasyThe last thing an adolescent wants is to realize that the world they've been living in for the past fourteen years is a lie. Unfortunately for Espen, when a unicorn-riding messenger knocks at his front door and gives him a piece of disturbing news...