Chapter 2

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(I'll probably do this every chapter lol. Credit to my friend again for this idea! She actually thought up some good things for this chapter. Also let's just say me friend's name is Violet hehe... get it. Daisy and Violet. She thought of it, I didn't even get it at first lol)

(Mina's POV)

I peacefully slept on bed but then I heard a scream. More specifically a high pitched scream. It sounded like..... TRINA'S. She must be in trouble. I immediately got out of bed and quickly ran to Trina's  house and into her room, expecting to see the worse. But when I saw her she was looking at her reflection in the mirror and screaming. Like she was horrified by her appearance, well that's unusual. 

I asked, "T-trina... what's wrong?" She looked at me with widened eyes and replied, "what did you just call me...?" I said, "Trina. That is your name... not unless you want to change you name again! I can have that arranged." She then looked at me with the craziest look, and that's saying something. She said, "I'm Trina.... I'm actually Trina." I slowly nodded not knowing what was happening.

Then there was another scream. It sounded like it was from Corey's room, we ran into his room and saw Corey pointing to his mirror and shouted, "W-why do I look like my dumb little brother?!" Wait what? Trina said, "Why do I look like my annoying older sister?!" Oh no they couldn't have.... they looked each other in the eye and said simultaneously,

"We. Swapped. Bodies."

They started screaming their heads off and running around so I shouted, "STOP" They both looked at me but then shouted again, I said, "How about we swap this out in the garage..."

Now we were in their garage and I slowly said, "So.... Corey is in Trina's body... and Trina's in Corey's body?" They both nodded. I said, "How?" They both shouted, "WE DON'T KNOW!" "Well we have to figure it out to get you guys back to normal." They both glared at each other with absolute hate.

Trina the said, "Mina. My room. Now." Wow it was so weird, because it was like Corey was saying this. We went up to her room and she closed the door. She smirked, "This is like the perfect time for me to RUIN my brother and his lame old stupid band." I asked, "How?" She said, "Time will come, you'll see.' She then started evilly laughing, it sounded terrible, Corey's voice should not be used for evil laughing.

(Corey's POV)

I can't believe this. Why did this have to happen?! I have to fix this, it's weird being stuck in my sister's body. I then heard a knocked on my garage door, I opened up to see my band, I greeted, "Hey guys!" They looked at me reallt skeptically. I suddenly remebered I was still Trina, "guys! I'm Corey in Trina's body!"

They still looked skeptical but then Trina and Mina came. She said, "What do you mean, Trina?" I looked at her with disgust, "Stop lying! Guys, that's Trina! She's in my body while I'm in hers!"

Trina smirked as she saw the expression on my friends' faces. Laney said, "nice try Trina. You can't fool us." I shouted, "but Lanes!" She looked a little shocked that I used her nickname but Trina said, "Trina we know you're lying." I sighed in defeat as I went outside, Mina started following me to continue the act but I didn't care. I just wanted everything back to normal.

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