Chapter 10

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(Mina's POV)

I went to the only people who I knew could help.


I knocked on the garage door, it was Laney who opened it, inside I saw Kin and Kon playing some video games.

"What do you want?"

"It's Corey and Trina, they're in trouble!"

Laney's face morphed from shock, to cynicism. "How can I believe you? For all I know, this might be another scheme of Trina's, to kill us."

I tried to think up some evidence, when it hit me, "didn't you notice before? How weird both Corey and Trina acted. Trina claiming to be Corey, Corey acting evil! That's nothing like them. And if you truly were Corey's best friennd, you would know that."

(Laney's POV)

I've never seen Mina so decisive before... but could it be true... wait I remember...

"Nice try Trina."

"But Lanes!"


Trina called me Lanes. No one calls me that except for Core. I looked at Trina and firmly said, "where are they?" Then I looked at Kin and Kon, "You're coming too!" They moaned in disappointment.


We all soon arrived in front of this huge building with the logo, E.D.O. on it. "This is where they are," I asked in confusion." Mina nodded as she gestured us to come follow her, she then pointed into a window. And then I saw them, both Corey amd Trina were trapped in there.

Mina already explained what would happen when they fully swap bodies so I mortified. We have to save them, and quick.

Before I could think up a plan I noticed Kon picking up Kin, shaping him into a pole and shouted, "CHARGE!!!!" He repeatedly banged Kin on the wall, hardly making a dent.

"Guys stop!" I shouted, "we need to think of a better plan!"

I then saw Mina with a smirk, "I think I might have an idea."

She whispered to all of us and we nodded in agrement. Kin and Kon walked in casually and were stopped by security, "What do you two-"

Kon then slapped him in the face with a pie, Kin stuck his tongue right at him the security fumed in anger as he chased him to other side.

Mina and I then quietly crept in, seeing that the coast was clear, we found the room Core and Trina were in. I tried to open it but it was locked. Mina got a spare clip amd jammed it into the lock, after a few seconds the door successfully opened.



Before uttering another word we dragged them outside, fortunately Kin and Kon were still keeping security distracted. That was really easy.

"Are you ok?" I asked them, mostly to Core. Corey in Trina's body said, "like yeah."

What did he jusy say...

Trina then said, "Thanks for saving us Lanes."

Oh... I think we're too late.

(CLIFFHANGER. Looks like, there'll be another chappie)

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