07. Bittersweet ache

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For the millionth time now,
Her heart ached...

The ache that cut through the remnants of her broken heart like a knife stabbing again and again.

The longing she felt,
Could never be erased.

The love she craved.
His smile she missed,
That was even brighter
Than the stars in the sky amidst.

She missed his touch,
His kisses,
His hugs,
His care.
It seemed like a bittersweet ache.

Would all be the same,
If things didn't go downhill.
Him leaving her,
On her heart's window sill.

Did his heart ache too?
Did he miss the touch,
Kisses, care too?
Did he even remember his stupid "Honey-Boo" ?!

Will he ever come back?
Realise? Apologise?
Ask forgiveness?
Bring back happiness?

Surely enough she knew she couldn't trust again.
And Love?
That was far from possible now.
He had left her in that state!

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