23. Their Place

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"Their place" was where they went to find solace, peace.
To let themselves at ease.
To escape from life's daily torments
and find some quality moments.

It had been a month since they'd been there and tomorrow they'll finally meet.

Questions will be answered,
Minds can be changed.
A relationship can be saved
Or ruined into shreds.

She was nervous,
She didn't know what to think.
Her Heartbroken mind ditched her
And she couldn't fathom anything.

She was excited yet anxious.
She'll finally know why he abruptly left,
Still she didn't feel prepared to hear it.

Tired of so many thoughts,
She got wasted to forget him,
To keep him off her mind.
Until she left slumber accept her in this state.

The last thought before nothingness engulfed her
Was how it felt when their lips met.

Sorry, I know this is not my best one. But I'm really busy, caught with exams and stuff.
How did you like this one?
Why do you think he left?
Will they be back together or not?

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