21. This isn't right

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Both gazed in each other's eyes,
So many thoughts swirling at once it was difficult to let them slide.

He stepped forward,
She still seemed rooted.
That gave him hope and took another step.

On reaching her,
He touched her face.
She was too lost,
To care.

Sliding his arm around her waist,
He pulled her closer
And let their lips meet.

She reluctantly obliged,
Because even she couldn't deny the fact
That she missed him through out,
Even after he left her just like that.

With that thought she was brought back to reality.
And instantly questioned her sanity.
This isn't right.

Pushing him away frantically,
She stepped back.

He felt hurt but
Still admitted that this wasn't right.
And as much as he hated it,
He was glad she stopped him before he lost his track.

Thanks for sticking around.
Love y'all.
And did you like the fact that they kissed?! Commenttt

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