14. Slumber was better than him

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She broke down, letting the endless tears flow like the Niagara.
Her heart was bleeding.
She still couldn't believe her eyes!

Was it another illusion?

She made her way to her room.
And lying there was the blade
That could've decided her perfect fate!

Now she couldn't come up to commit the deed,
There were millions of questions running through her head.

I should've heard him maybe?
What if he's finally realised?
No! He hurt me and I did right!
But what if he actually had an explanation?
Then he can put it into cremation!

Her mind was debating,
It wasn't long until she broke again.

Slumber finally engulfed her,
Maybe out of pity.
But only one thing kept on playing in her mind,

His beautiful face, that looked like he could use some really good sleep.
His slouched shoulders. His helpless, lost expression. The relief that flash across his face upon seeing me. The hurt that flashed when I pushed him.

There were so many questions.
But she let it be.
For now, slumber was better than him.

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