Synchronicity II - Miku's POV Onee-chan

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Feet pounded on to the red carpet floor, sending echoing from boundaries to boundaries. Maple Pembroke tables shook  as I dashed by, then suddenly out of the blue there was a bump in the carpet that I missed. I hurtled over the lump and landed nose flat on to the floor…

Oww…I curled up in a ball position. Every limb ached, tears of pain welled at the corner of my eyes as a sign of a normal human reflex after a stimulus being felt.

It seemed stupid; bawling on the ground after a small fall. It could’ve been a piece of cake if I just used my powers to ease my pain but something this small would be a waste of an energy and I’d remember mother always telling me that a strong female figure should never let her emotions take control. There were also other things that I should not do but I believe I have at least broke half of those rules.

After recovering the sudden shock, I took off my tooth-pick shoes and bounced onto to my bare feet. It felt good, comfortable and relaxing but I soon snapped at of it and gathered my skirts.  I unconsciously began running down corridors, slowing down at corners and stopping when royal guards and servants were at view.  I would nod concededly each time, they paid their respects and flank off as quickly as possible to catch up with gossip. I noticed them stare awkwardly at the black satin shoes in my hands but never spoke a word.

When our distanced stretched, I could hear them giggling amongst themselves about the previous queen and about her leaving her throne for such a young daughter to take over. I couldn’t blame them or mother. The Mask supposedly belonged to onee-san, who should be in her twenties. If onee-san wasn’t borne three-month earlier than the expectancy, she wouldn’t be so weak and people wouldn’t be so superstitious over the stupid number three thing.

Not long, the giant carved doors loomed over me, from the ceiling to the floor. Captured by the exquisite carving of birds, butterflies and other little creatures surround a detailed oak tree on, two black armored knights stood on guard on both side.  Each of them held onto a spear while their other hands griped over their blades which hang closely to their side.

As expected, all doors to the sanctuary should be well guarded. Only those with the appointed matching crest to the doors were allowed in.

“Your crest?” the one on the left asked.

Regardless of who you are, it is a must to show the crest to the knights whether if you are the Queen of Synchronicity or the creator of the universe and this rule was passed down secretly from centuries as many shouldn’t be allowed to know the secrets behind the doors. 

The tiny gold crest felt heavy underneath my thick layer of bodice. I pulled it out and showed it to the guards.  Its trapezium body was warm from hidden underneath my bodice for a long time, then let it drop, swinging from left to right.

The knights approved and turned stiffly to the “S” shaped handles.

 Brilliant white light blinded me as the doors creaked opened. I stepped in; sweet flora fragranced welcomed me in. The sun’s rays permeated the great oak tree, its emerald green leaves glittered under the light in the centre of sanctuary. Little wild animals made its asylum and settled into their homes. Colourful birds sang their pretty songs, swirling weightlessly overhead and the roof top dome.

I stopped at the foot of the wide marble stairs where it encircled the tree.

“Lillian,” my voice echoed softly throughout the sanctuary sending squirrels back to their homes and birds scattered off the tree.

An irregular small door way swung opened at the opposite end of where I stood. Strange mechanic sounds and turning gears disturbed the peace. Lillian peered out then walked around the stair way to meet me.

“Luka’s in a very bad condition and she doesn’t have much time left. We’ve tried everything but Gakupode is willing to make a little gamble.” Lillian reported.

“What gamble? What do you mean you’ve tried everything? You must save her and you will.” I said which sounded more like an order.

“Very well my highness. Come with me and I shall show you Gakupode’s plan.”  She’d sighed.

She’d led me out of the sanctuary and through the small door way framed with complex sculpting ornamenting around the archway.  

The buzzing, constant beeping became louder and as clear as a bell.  Surprisingly the archway was not guarded but led me into some sort of experimental lab.  Machines were humming softly as their bright green lights flashed on and off. 

Two strange large tubes size and height of an average human caught my eyes. Inside was filled with liquid all the way up; bubbles were continuously generated from the bottom of the base and it wasn’t just that, both tubes contained a human child of opposite sex from each other. Locked in their deep slumber, fine tubes twinge into their skins and each wore a white band like glasses with neon blue streak of light across it over their eyes.

Then my eyes focused onto the operating table at the centre of the room. 

Luka laid still, her face pale and almost lifeless. Circular tapes attached with cords stuck to her forehead and to a reading machine. Gakupode was too occupied on one of his dozen of computers to be aware of our presence and when he finally did he fell to the floor instantly.

“Her three most important organs are failing; her brain, heart and lungs. Her airway seems to be closing off as for her heart there’s a major hole somewhere in her left ventricle that should be examined long ago and left too long. As for her brain, she’s slowly shutting down and refuse to hold on which would be a problem if I do anything stressing.” Gakupode said.

I gently tilted his chin up as he slowly rose back to his two feet.

“There must be something you could do,” I urged.  “I know that your father was one of the hierophants that contribute the readings of the “Angels” but a life is a life and rubbish superstitions have nothing to do with saving a life.”

“As you wish my highness. “ He bowed his head. “She would need a new body her old shell was too weak for her to begin with. You see those capsules?”

I followed his gaze to the tubes I’ve noticed earlier.

“These twins are Lillian’s and my genetics combined together as for Lillian could not bear children,” He continued. “After so many failures I have finally found the solution to the science of genetic cloning. I am also hoping to create a new body for Luka.  Right now I am trying to synchronize her memories so that it won’t be lost when your sister finally awakens. ” 

It took a long pause for everything that was just said to sink in. If I was going to save my onee-chan I guess it would be a gamble like what Lillian mentioned before and maybe it would be an idea to take the gamble instead of letting one-chan slowly fading away. Then again I’m still not sure what to do.

Lillian picked up my small sign of distressed and said “He’s my fiancé and I have faith that he would bring Luka back. We must act now or she’ll soon close herself in and we all know what that means.”

“Alright, and I beg you to inform me if anything happens. I shall take my leave my subjects are waiting. Farewell onee-san, I’ll like to meet you soon.”


So the truth reveals here! The next chapter might be the last, don't guarantee but keep reading! If there's anymore questions that's not answered from Synchronicity: Floating City feel free to ask here!

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