Synchronicity II - Miku's POV The New Age ~ End ~

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Three months later

It was summer in the great lands of Synchronicity, the most busiest and horrid season of the year in the court. Nobles and fellow royalties fluxed in and out, demanding, voicing out concerns, ranting about their new discoveries and a long run through of reports.

 Slumped back in the throne with my head resting on the back of my hand, I couldn’t help nodding off and yawning during the endless submissions. I never knew that being a queen was so tiring. I always thought that being a queen can do anything that is desired but honestly I’ve just proved myself wrong three months ago when I first inherited the Mask.

“Your highness, please stay awake, it’s almost the end the end of the session. Just one more to go,” Valet lowered his voice to me and then raised it up shouting across the court. “Lord Omonero please come forward and share your concerns,”

Valet turned back to me and gave me a slight nod and then slipped back behind the throne.

Straightening my back, I tugged my skirts down and glowered at the lord, gaining back all the elegancy and asthenic manners.

“Yes, you may precede Lord of Omonero District.” My voice was high and powerful.

He fell on to one knee and bowed with one hand across his chest, then searched for a sign to get up.

I nodded knowledgably and leaned back to my sit.

“The drought,” he began. “-has pushed our district to salvation. The crops are dried and the animals are dying. There have been no rain for two months and our last drop of water is used up.”

I crossed my legs and rested my elbows on my right thigh, chin resting in my hands.

“And your point is?” there was a hint of irritation.

Valet shuffled a step forward but I held up a hand. Defeated he gradually sank back to his spot. The lord was startled by the tone of my voice or perhaps the unusual sitting position on a throne of a queen.

“Well…” he stammered. “I beg you my highness, my people needs the Court’s support for food supply.”

The court grew silence. Lord Omonero was infamous for his pride and his boastfulness. The whole city knew the conflict between him and the Lord of Akazuna district. Both lords from both district was as hot headed at each other and whenever  they meet they would  be hugging their bellies laughing about how rich they are compare to each other, then exchanging glares before ignoring each other’s presences.

“Very well,” I paused. “We’ll send for Lord Akazuna for your aid. It’s seemed to us that the Akazuna District is having enough rain for the season.”

Once again the room silenced. People’s mouth touched the floor, astonished with my decision, including the Court guards. The only people who were unfazed were Valet and Lillian who is hiding in the shadows head lowered.

There was a grim look on Lord Omonero. His protestant was as clear as a bell. He was shaking with anger and shame with his hand balled into fists shaking tremulously right below his chin and his face inched over his shoulder gnawing his jaws.  There was a fire growing inside him. I found it amusing to watch but then someone had to put him off. 

Lord Omonero muttered something under his breath but I instantly picked it up with my sensitive hearing.

“Would you rather be thrown at by your residents and no one to attend for your (selfish) needs or just lower your pride for once and seek for help of a neighbouring district? It is your choice Lord Omonero and Page please escort Lord Omonero out.”

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