Chapter 1

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I walked into school and was greeted by my oh so cute boy friend Trent capturing my lips into a deep, passionate and wet kiss..............

Wait, maybe I should start from the beginning.

Hi I'm Jane Williams.

It's my last year of high school and trust me it has been so tiring managing my school work and being captain of the cheer team even though everyone does practically everything for me.

You must be wondering does this girl have friends or does she just boss people around?

Well yes I have friends but y'all know I'm the better one in everything.
At least I try to be because on the inside I'm the softest and most emotional girl you'll ever meet.

Trent on the other hand is my boyfriend, the captain of the football team and the star quarterback.

Every girl in the school have tried to get his attention, but, only a cute and sexy girl like myself can get the job done.

Anyways today's my birthday and I can't wait to get to school and see what Trent got me.

So I hurriedly put some make-up on, put on my cheer uniform, told my mom goodbye and dashed out the house to my car.

I parked my car in my special parking spot and walked maybe modeled a little into school.

As I stepped in I was greeted with a waist grabbing heated French kiss from Trent that lasted for about 5 minutes until I pulled away with a smirk.

"Save some for later tiger" I said sliding my hand over his little or should I say big friend from outside his genes.

"Ok. Sounds like you have a whole night planned"?

"You have no idea"

With those words said we walked over to our friends Ashley, Nichole, Melanie, Ariana, Josh, Scott, Dylan, Tyler and Jordan.

"Hey guys. What may i ask are u getting me for my birthday?" I looked at them one by one and all they did was laugh.

"Awe its cute how you think we care that much." Dylan said sarcasm poring out of him earning a huge eruption of laughter from the others again.

I knew they had something up their sleeve but like normal friends they just stood and laughed until the bell rang and they disappeared into the hallway.

What normal friends I have.

Emphasis on the word normal.

"So what are we doing today" I asked Trent holding on to his arm "cause I hate math and that's what we have for first period and plus it's my birthday oh and btw I hardly do classes"

"Meet me out side in five minutes" he said smiling

I stood there waiting and hoping that the idiotic principal wouldn't come out and try and get me to go to class cause I'm not going.

The five minutes that felt lime five years finally went by and luckily the principal was smart enough to stay put.

I quickly ran outside and saw Trent leaning against a 2017 Ferrari.

"OMG Trent you didn't have to get me a car" I said amused

"Oh no see you got it all wrong. This is mine. If I was even buying a car for you which I'm not it wouldn't be so expensive. Oh and Happy Birthday Baby."

"You didn't just say that"

"What happy birthday? Didn't want it? Well I insist you take it. No returns. Besides it's your birthday remember."

"You know that I'm talking about the car Trent"

"What? I literally buy you the all latest iphones jewelry and a whole lot more. What more do you want?"

"But that's not enough" I wined trying to make my best baby impression"I want a car"

"Ok ok you can sit in my car but you are not driving it because if you crash it I kill you. So you only get to go in when I'm with you."

"Wait so what it If die when I crash it?"

"Then I revive you and kill you again"

"Your so mean"

"I know. Now lets take her for a spin."

You have no idea how much I'm praying that what I'm saying or in my head joking around with doesn't make him trip cause a tripping Trent is not a pretty Trent.

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