Chapter 2

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We got in the car and drove out the school yard.

We spent some time driving around until we got hungry and decided to stop at star bucks.

Translation: He decided to stop at star bucks.

We I mean he bought curly fries and some juice. My favourite.
Surprised he even remembered.

The time went by so fast. It was getting dark and we we're eating in the car going home and something happened that ruined my relationship with Trent.

While drinking my juice Trent came up to a bump in the road and all my drink spilled over me and the car seat.

He turned and gave me an angry look. He then stopped the car and came out dragging me out after.

I've never seen him like this and it hurts to know he chooses that stupid car over me.

"Are you fucking crazy!" He screamed at me. "I warned you about fucking with my car. You thought I was joking? Well do you think I'm joking now?"
He then started punching me in the guts and the face until darkness engulfed my vision.

Such a wonderful birthday gift ain't it?
And to think he said he loved me.

When I woke up I saw a nurse standing over me and Trent sitting by my bed side.
I tried to sit up but a piercing headache made me decide against it.

"I think you better lay down" the nurse said "Your boyfriend told me you fell down the stairs."

I looked over at Trent he shot me threatening death glare that said tell her what happened and I kill you for real this time which instantly got me feeling scared.

"Ah yeah" I said my voice shaky trying to fight back the tears from falling.

"Well ok. You didn't loose much blood so you'll be out of here in no time. Oh one more thing we called your mom she's on her way."

After the nurse spoke those words that made me some what happy she gave me a bright smile then left leaving Trent and I alone.

No come back. He did this to me. I dont want to be left alone with him. I wanted to scream but couldn't because I was scared.

"Why did you make me lie" I asked with fear in my voice wanting so much scream at him and run away.
But we all know what would happen if I do that.

"Shut up!" He snapped at me causing me to jump a bit.            "Your so fucking lucky I had plastic over that seat or I would've Left you for dead. Oh and if you tell anyone about this I'll know and you'll die."

This whole time he had plastic over the freaking seat.

Well obviously.

"Trent don't you love me? Are you really gonna chose a stupid car over me?" I asked desperate for him to come to his senses and realize the damage he has done.

"Loved, I once loved you and don't you dare call my car stupid" He spewed hurting me even more. "You know I'm glad this happened. Instead of telling how much I've lost all feelings for and am disgusted by you I can just show you.

The smirk on his face was just priceless.

As I heard those words come from his mouth I could hold back the tears anymore. I just let them fall.

And then he left.

Yay happy fucking birthday to me.

A few minutes later my mother came bursting into the room with tear stained eyes.

Without a single word she came over to me giving me a warm hug that hurt a lot but felt really good.

Ok so let's try and let this sound believable.

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