Chapter 5, Vigilance

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The next morning, the castle was more alive than ever. Servants in abundance were buzzing about, making all manner of preparations. The Leroys of Ruo were on their way to Letania to discuss a trade agreement, an event that none in either country had foreseen and some could not believe.

A feast was to be held to celebrate their arrival and welcome the foreign royals to the Black Fort. Although the terrible, age-long war between the two adjacent countries had ended nearly a century before, peace had still not yet been fully achieved. Absolutely everything had to be perfect.

"I have no idea what to expect," King Abram confessed over breakfast,"Have you ever met the Leroys, Sir Altin? I'm sure that you could give me a rather reasonable assessment."

The knight held back an exasperated look, collecting his thoughts. Prince Yuri was staring at him as well, his brow creased with worry. Sir Altin had indeed encountered the Leroy family. Though it had made for a wonderful learning experience, he did wish that he hadn't.

"Well... I urge you to be wary, Your Highness," he explained,"That's the only assessment I have to give."

"You think them not to be trusted?" The King raised a brow, nervously glancing over at his son.

To say that King Alain Leroy was not a trustworthy man would be an terribly severe understatement. The only reason anyone ever allied themselves with Ruo was to give them what they wanted before they had a chance to take it by force.

"King Alain cares only for his own self- interests. If you wish to protects yours, it's best to be cautious, Your Highness."

The man thanked the Gatylian for the excellent advice, calling over his guard and whispering something to him. Sir Marrick nodded curtly and then took his leave, a sharp look in his eye. Prince Yuri tried his best to pretend he hadn't heard his father's command.

Together, he and Sir Altin stole away to the archery range for the rest of the morning, evading the obnoxious hustle and bustle as much as they could. Yuri was less than enthused about the visit. He had never seen the castle so hectic, and he despised the Leroys already for causing it.

"You're not shooting as straight as you normally do. Is something wrong, My Prince?" Sir Altin asked, cursing the question even as it left his lips.

Much as expected, Yuri rounded on him with a sour expression. His bow dropped to his sides, arms rigid. His shots had barely even been off. How had the older boy caught on so easily. And what reason did he have to care? He'd never seemed to before then...

"I'm just... not looking forward to this visit, I guess," he replied, walking away to retrieve his arrows and talking over his shoulder,"Especially after what you said about them this morning..."

"You're scared?"

"I'm not scared!" He shouted, ripping the arrow out of the target and forcing himself to calm down,"I am not scared, I'm rightfully concerned."

Sir Altin paused, realizing immediately that the Prince was holding something back. Yuri normally had no problem looking him in the eye, but now his gaze wouldn't stop shifting further and further away.

"You aren't just worried about what I said, are you?" the warrior accused, taking a step closer to him,"What did your father say to Sir Marrick?"

Yuri paled, nearly dropping his arrows as he fumbled to pull out the last one. The knight was being unusually and painfully perceptive that day, and it was bound to be the Prince's downfall.

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