Chapter 18, Secrecy and Sin

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Prince Yuri awoke the next morning as the rays of the sun hit his emerald eyes. He attempted to roll over, only to have a pair of strong arms pull him back in. His head, rested quite comfortably on Otabek's bare chest, rose and fell with the older's slow, steady breaths. He'd all but demanded that the knight stay with him, just to hold each other until morning came.

He laid there for a while, fighting off drowsiness and admiring his lover's serene features. Almost every soldier, especially from an infamously violent place like Gatyl, had a face laced with scars by the time they were Yuri's age. Otabek's remained untouched by any blade, a true testament to his skill. The few marks he had were scattered across his chest and his shoulders, silvery and faded with time.

Even through a shirt, it was easy to see that Otabek Altin had a gorgeous body, but it was still shockingly impressive to behold. He was so beautifully sculpted, each and every muscle on him toned to absolute perfection. Without even the slightest hint of exaggeration, Otabek Altin looked like a God.

Though, it wasn't just his physique that made him so spectacular. His strong jaw and sharp cheekbones could make anyone swoon. Yuri then found himself focusing on his knight's lips, through which he was almost inaudibly snoring. They'd been just as soft and as warm as he had imagined.

Yuri shifted and propped himself up on an elbow, gazing curiously down at his slumbering lover. He brought a hand up and very cautiously brushed the pad of his thumb over those plush, pillowy lips. The young Prince had read every great romance before and scoffed at the thought that a simple kiss could feel like magic, or like fire upon your skin. Now, however, he could attest to the accuracy of these descriptions.

The Prince had gradually been leaning in, and now the tips of their noses were lightly touching. Yuri wanted nothing more than to repeat his actions from the night before, and quickly found his satisfaction. Suddenly, Otabek's fingers were tangled in the royal's messy hair, and he was pulled down into a kiss.

Yuri was shocked at first, completely caught by surprise, but he soon melted into the sensual movement. Their lips danced together as if they'd been made to, each and every step in perfect sync. It was passionate, and filled with need, both of them truly desperate to taste the other. Had Yuri been standing, his legs surely would've given out.

When he pulled back, the knight shot him a mischievous grin. The Prince felt heat rise into his cheeks in response and he tried his best to scowl, though it ended up being more akin to a pout. It most certainly wasn't easy to pull off any sort of expression of displeasure after such breathtaking contact.

"How long have you been awake?" he snipped indignantly.

"For a while," Otabek confessed,"but I wanted to lay here with you just a little while longer."

"You could've just said so! You didn't have to pretend to be asleep, silly," the younger said coyly,"And you also didn't need to surprise me like that!"

"I think it was funny."

Prince Yuri rolled his eyes, sitting up and stretching. Though he would have loved to laze about all day, it seemed ill-advised. Somebody would surely come looking if the two of them didn't make an appearance, especially if his father had anything to do with it...

Sir Altin sat up as well, the teasing grin still present on his face. He yanked the Prince onto his lap, his hands firmly holding Yuri's hips. The younger boy yelped and started squirming as the knight's lips latched hungrily onto his pale skin, at the juncture where his shoulder met his neck.

The Prince's Gift (EDITED)(A Yurio x Otabek Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now