Chapter 19, A King's Crown

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One week and a half went by, and the two new lovers had been successfully keeping their little secret. They stayed together only every few nights, trying not to arouse too much suspicion. King Abram was, of course, suspicious, but never really enough to believe that his son would be capable of such a thing.

Yuri turned down another set of girls, having found each of them annoying in their own various ways. He really had tried to pick one of them, but the royal hadn't been able to stand any of them for more than a few seconds. His father made his displeasure known, and Yuri was warned that he had only one more chance, and then his intended would be chosen for him.

So, in order to prevent himself and his knight from worrying too much about the consequences of those rejections, Yuri decided it was high time that he made his crown. It was an old Letanian tradition for each King to make his own crown, one that would represent his kingdom as he saw it.

The Prince also knew that it would be an excuse to go outside the walls. On the morning that he was to venture out, he woke up bright and early, sitting up and stretching. His back was sore for some reason. Perhaps he had slept in a wonky position. Otabek had not stayed the night with him, and he attempted to subdue the disappointment he felt upon waking without him.

However, as he realized that he would get to waste the entire day alone with his knight, a wide smile split his face. For once, they wouldn't have to act so reserved. He was just so unbelievably excited for this day, and... Wait, what in the world was that fluttering sound?

Yuri turned to look over his shoulder, and his eyes met with a shocking sight. He couldn't believe it, they had come in. There'd been a lot of debate about whether his faerie half would begin to show, and now he'd gotten his answer. Sprouting from his upper back, were two shimmering, translucent wings.

He yelped, jumping out of his bed, as if hoping that he could run away from the new appendages. This simply could not be happening. Otabek would be there any minute, what was he going to think when he saw these... these things. Why did they have to show, especially now of all times?

Every time they moved, he flinched, willing the stupid things to stop their incessant fluttering and moving. He just wanted them to vanish, to wake up suddenly and discover that this was all just some unfunny, little, insignificant dream that he was having. That didn't happen, though. Despite his hope, he knew that this was all real.

There was a knock on his door, a call of his name. It was Otabek, come to fetch him for that day's activity. Yuri looked down at himself and panicked as the door knob began to jiggle. He was not dressed. When Sir Altin went to his own room, the Prince didn't usually bother to put on night clothes, so he was entirely exposed. That would have been no problem if it weren't for this new development on his back.

Yuri rushed over to his wardrobe, just praying that he would get there before the bedroom door swung open. There was absolutely no way that he could let Otabek see this, at least not without giving him some kind of warning first. He hurriedly reached in, grabbed a shirt, and...

There was a gasp from behind him. The young Letanian royal whipped around, his face horror-stricken. Standing there with his jaw dropped, was his knight. A terrible blush overtook the Prince's once pale cheeks, and his whole body began to tremble.

What was he going to say? How was he going to explain this? Though he had told Otabek about this possibility long before now, there was still no telling what his reaction would be. This was strange, and unnatural, and seeing it in person surely wasn't the same as just imagining it in your head.

"Wow," the knight gasped, wonder in his wide eyes,"You look... fantastic."

Yuri finally exhaled a breath that he hadn't realized he'd been holding. He was extremely relieved, though he was also a little embarrassed. Although the compliment had eased his mind, he also couldn't help but worry if others would react similarly...

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