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Chris Kendall's existence was starting to really stress PJ out. Every time he walked onto the badminton courts, or into a guitar lesson, or creative writing, he'd be unable to focus, eyes drawn to the back of Chris' dark-haired head. For a while, now, they'd had badminton together, and he often came dangerously close to missing shots because he was too distracted by Chris' gorgeous smile.

Of course, he knew there had to be a way round this problem – he was a Master, after all, and there was always something he could do – but whenever he found himself approaching the reception to ask for a timetable change, or sitting down in front of a mirror to talk himself out of it, he had a strange desire to stop. He assumed he must like the stress, perhaps. Or the pain. Or the worry. Or maybe just the fact that whenever he saw Chris he got this lovely warm feeling in his chest and he felt completely calmed, just for a moment.

That was probably it.

The school year had started a few weeks ago, and PJ's li'l crush on Chris had grown into a big crush. Last year, he'd had the confidence to ask Chris to be his doubles partner, or play singles against him, but this year he felt himself trembling so violently whenever he tried to talk that he eventually decided against it.

This lesson, though... This lesson was going to be perfect. He was going to pull himself together and ask Chris to be his badminton partner for the rest of the year.

He swung his bag over his shoulder and stood up, tapping his Electronic Monitoring Device to check what lesson he had next. As he'd guessed, the word 'badminton' flashed onscreen, followed by the room number and a small map, which he ignored.

As he approached the changing rooms, Chris appeared from a door in front of him with a group of loudly chattering girls. One of them looked him up and down before scowling as her eyes came to rest on his collar.

He grinned and lightly touched the gay pride badge that he wore there, and the girl sniffed and turned away. PJ didn't know if she was annoyed because he was gay, or because she wanted to date him, but he didn't particularly care either way. The only person in that group who he wanted the opinion of was Chris, and he was currently talking animatedly to Louise, a girl who PJ vaguely recognised from his creative writing classes.

PJ followed the group as they made their way into the changing rooms. At the door, a smaller, nervous looking boy came hurrying towards them, examining his EMD carefully. His eyes flickered up for a second, presumably to check where the changing room doors were, and PJ smiled to himself, turning away and looking back towards Chris, who was gesticulating wildly as he told his story.

PJ felt someone tread on his shoe and almost fall into his back and he turned, looking down slightly at who'd crashed into him. "Oh- sorry..." the boy said awkwardly, backing away from PJ until he was touching the wall, and looking at him as though he was a deer caught in headlights.

PJ gave him a small smile, holding back laughter at his terrified expression (he wasn't that scary, surely?) and following Chris' group into the changing rooms.

He sat down on a bench in one corner, opposite the boy who ran into him, and with a good view of Chris so he could sneak glances at him topless. The girls had gone into the room next door, meaning nobody was blocking PJ's view, and he could admire Chris in peace.

The other people in the room began to file out one by one, and PJ followed suit, glancing one last time at Chris before heading out and standing in front of the teacher, who was looking impatient. When the last few people came out of the changing rooms, he began, "I am Mr Slater. I have a ridiculously easy job, in that I don't have to teach you anything. Get into pairs, and go and play."

PJ immediately looked towards Chris, who was standing with one of the girls from earlier and seemed to be engrossed in a fascinating discussion. He sighed, debating whether to go over and embarrass himself in front of all the girls (and potentially annoy Chris), or whether to just find another less terrifying person to pair up with.

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