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PJ's usual spot behind the tree was taken. He approached it slowly, hoping that the person would get up and leave, but when he was only a few metres away he recognised Chris' bag and smiled. Chris was choosing to sit next to him? He hadn't done that for a long time. He hoped this was a sign that things between them were going back to normal.

"Hey," he said with a grin, sitting down beside his friend. Chris turned to him, eyes lighting up – although, PJ reminded himself, it was probably just the light.

"I knew I'd find you here," he said, mirroring PJ's smile. "How was your morning?"

PJ rolled his eyes to the sky. "Gosh, Chris, I thought you'd have something more interesting to say," he complained. "You know how much I hate guitar when there's no-one to talk to."

Chris laughed. "Sorry. Is it badminton fourth lesson?"

PJ nodded, and a silence settled over them. Chris shifted uncomfortably, sitting back on his heels, and PJ racked his brains for a conversation topic. This was the first time in a while that they'd been able to have a proper conversation, and he didn't want it to end now.

"I missed you," Chris said after a moment. PJ looked over at him, surprised at the sudden serious tone in his voice, so he continued quickly. "It was weird without you. Even when we had that weird bit when we weren't really friends, I still missed you a lot."

They'd never really mentioned that 'weird bit'. Chris had just started talking to PJ one badminton lesson, and he'd just gone along with it without questioning what had brought them back together. PJ was surprised, to say the least, to hear Chris talking about it. He paused, wondering what element of that sentence to ask about.

"You missed me?" he eventually asked, not trusting himself to ask anything else without sounding accusatory.

"Of course I did," said Chris, his face softening. "I literally spent the day after I decided we couldn't be friends crying because I knew I'd never find anyone like you."

His hand crept onto PJ's, which was laying on the ground, and PJ's heart fluttered. "I missed you too," PJ said quietly. "I feel like we're past that now, though."

"Definitely. I feel like we're closer than before." Chris made eye contact as he said this, and PJ cursed his stomach as he got the sensation of it dropping about six feet into the floor.

He was saved from having to think up an answer to this as the bell rang, and Chris reluctantly drew his hand away from PJ's. He leaned in and gave PJ a quick hug, holding onto him just slightly too long. He smelled of raspberries, and PJ knew he shouldn't be noticing that, but he really didn't care, because having Chris' arms around him was distracting him from morality, to say the least. "I'll see you fourth lesson, yeah?" He turned away, walking off, but after a few steps he turned back and blew a kiss to his friend, winking at him – back to his usual flirty self, apparently.

This was new. This wasn't something they usually did. Even when they'd been best friends, Chris had been the sort of person who flirted with everyone except PJ. He'd hug everyone and eye them up in the playground, but he never did that with PJ. They were more likely to have sincere, 1am conversations about insecurity than tell one another how good their new haircuts looked. This was unusual.

PJ would be lying, though, if he said he wasn't feeling even a little weak at the knees.

sorry it's so short but i wanted to get something out :)  


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