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  "If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed." 
―Adolf Hitler   

Terrie woke up remembering a quote of Adolf Hitler that she learned when she was studying in her history class. And she never thought she would consider something he said as relatable to her life ever, but today and with what has happened lately in her life since they moved back his quote finally clicked inside of her brain. 

She has been lying about her age to Jason, to her sister and parents

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She has been lying about her age to Jason, to her sister and parents. She even believed she would get away without Aria knowing about Jason. Maybe she even told her mother since last night her mother sent her to her room without any other words. A soft knock made her throw a glance toward the door and Aria's voice came from the other side of her door. 

"Terrie, mom's asking if you are going to school today?" her sister asked making her groan under her bed sheets. "I take that sound as a yes?" Aria almost yelled not sure if Terrie's response was a yes. 

"Yes" Terrie answered shortly

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"Yes" Terrie answered shortly. She stood up and changed herself before going to the bathroom. She knocked on the door and opened it. Her brother wasn't there so she locked his door to the bathroom and closed hers. They had to share a bathroom and it was a little bit disgusting. They even shared the same womb, the thought made her cringe a little. After brushing her teeth and hair she got out only to notice her mom inside of her room. 

"Terrie, we need to talk!" her mother spoke softly, Terrie glanced at the door and noticed it was closed, she knew this wasn't good. "Where were you last night?" she asked cocking her head to the side. 


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