Chapter 13 - Face the Truth.

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And for the next two weeks, Chauncey and Tina didn't speak to each other once.

For Tina, under the threat of Chauncey's father and the threat of "killing" Romeo, she decided not to mention anything about the beatings that were going towards him and his mother. As for Chauncey, staying in Tina's body wasn't as "cracked" up as he thought it would be. He was once again raped by Marcell, and Marcell was still staying at the house. Lela still let this go on, and Tina's father never knew because he spent almost 12 hours at work each day. And as for Kevin, he was starting to move on because of how distant Chauncey was from him. One thing Chauncey still wasn't comfortable with, was seeing boys penises and things that went a little bit more farther than kissing.

During the last week of school, the principal decided to have a 2 hour assembly during the end of the day for seniors. Prom wasn't coming up until a the end of the week. The assembly was filled with nothing but lectures, videos, and other things that teenagers didn't care about. During one of the last presentations, the football was greeted up by the podium by the coach.

"As you guys know, this is our team, the Trailblazers. And as you know, we won the championship against our rivals!" The coach smiled.

As everyone clapped in the auditorium, the coach turned to the team and left a note on the podium.

"So guys, read this note out loud." The coach nodded.

Dave walked in the middle as Tina inched to the side.

"You all have been invited to a three day cruise after prom!" Dave shouted.

Chauncey stood up in shock, staring down at the stage.

Everyone on the football team started jumping around in excitement, cheering as the coach pointed at the note.

"Wait a minute, there's more!" The coach smiled. "Keep reading."

The boys glanced back at the note, continuing to read.

"Each of you get to invite one friend!" The coach smiled.

"What!?" Chauncey scowled lowly as she stood up. "That was supposed to be my trip!"

"Oh settle down, Tina." Lydia chuckled. "You know that Chauncey's gonna choose you."

Chauncey sat down, brushing it off. As every teammate called up their girlfriend, best friend, or close skin, Chauncey thought that he had this all in the bag.

"I-I mean.....of course she's gonna choose me." Chauncey thought. "She's not going to let some stupid beef from 2 weeks ago get in between us ge-"

"Kendle!" Tina smiled, looking up at her.

Kendle's eyes widened in shock as she stood up.


"Yes you!" Tina smiled. "Come on up!"

Kendle walked up on stage along with the other folks that were called, walking next to him as everyone else were called off.

"Why'd the hell did he choose Kendle?" Jordi said in shock.

After the assembly, Chauncey watched as everyone walked out. He watched as Tina carelessly walked passed him with the football team. Chauncey stared blankly off at her as Kendle walked next to him, holding the sweepstakes ticket.

"Hey uh.....I asked him if he meant to pick you." Kendle said in a serious tone.

"And what'd he say?"

Kendle looked up at him, giving him a sad stare.

"He said no." Kendle mumbled.

Chauncey gave off a look of anger, then threw on a smile.

"Aye aye aye you know what, it's not a big deal." Chauncey lied. "I mean it ain't like I talk to her anyway."


"It ain't like I spent the last 4 years by her side, supporting her in all of the shit that she does." Chauncey continued. "It ain't like I ain't tell her shit that I don't tell anyone else, put her before my own family, and make sure that no careless nigga talk shit about her."

"Tina, what do you mean by-"

"I take time away from spending time with my family to spend time with hers, his.......I spent money to help with her possible singing career, and made sure that sh....he stay safe away from the son of a bitch who raped him!" Chauncey barked as tears filled his eyes. "She supposed to be my fucking friend!"

Chauncey shook his head, turning away and looking down.

"He was my friend, Kendle.." Chauncey said in a raspy tone.

Kendle hugged Chauncey, comforting him. She knew how hurt that "Tina" was that her and Chauncey were no longer friends. However, Tina had no interest in talking to Chauncey. Or, at least they thought.

And Tina picking Kendle to go on the trip, could be the biggest mistake she's ever made.

When Tina arrived at home, she rushed into the kitchen with her cruise sweepstakes.

"Mom! Mom!" Tina called out. "I won a sweepstakes to a 3 day cruise ship with the boys!"

When Tina glanced at Renee, she was sitting at the table, dazed from drinking a 3/4 bottle of liquor. Out of the dimmed darkness, Chance stepped out with a small green slip, placing it on the table.

"I've enlisted you in the army, Chauncey." Chance said in a serious tone. "You will be going there a week after school is out."

"The army!?" Tina gasped.

Even though Tina was growing into a man, she wasn't prepared to go to the army. She wasn't prepared to see gore, shoot large guns, and fight against men who were twice her size.

It was time for her to start becoming a REAL man.

When Chauncey returned home, he saw Tina's father walk up to her and smile.

"Say, I heard that your friend is going on that cruise!" He smiled. "Why didn't you say anythi-"

"I'm not going, dad." Chauncey growled.

"Not going, well why not?"

Chauncey felt himself getting nauseous. From where? He didn't know.

"I uh......."

He was getting so sick that he could barely breathe.

"But I thought that you and Chauncey were best frie-"

"W-Wait a minute....." Chauncey froze as he ran upstairs.

Chauncey sprinted to the bathroom inside of his room and threw up a whole bunch of the food that he ate at lunch. He coughed it out, then jolted forward and threw up some more. As he clutched onto his stomach, he sat down on the side, looking up at the Justin Bieber calendar that was hanging up on Tina's wall.

"Ew..." Chauncey growled.

Then, Chauncey's eyes widened as he sprinted up to the calendar, counting the days he last started his period. He was 2 weeks late. Chauncey's eyes widened as he stared at the mirror, shaking his head.

" no no no no no...." Chauncey whispered. "It can't be..."

And like Tina, it was possibly time for Chauncey to become a woman.

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