Chapter 63 - Final Say. **FINALE AND EPILOGUE**

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Chauncey cried hard and silently to himself as he clutched onto Tina's stiff shoulders, not believing that he lost the person closest to him. No death would ever come close to hurting this much because she was the only person who listened, cared, and talked to him whenever he was in need. All because of an argument, he lost out on four years worth of what could've been a vibrant friendship. Out of desperateness, Chauncey wailed out

"God give h-her back to me!!" Chauncey cried, begging for him to bring Tina back to life.

After almost crying for 10 minutes, Chauncey was starting to lose feeling in one of his fingers on his right hand. He shook as he took it out of the frigid water, then realized one thing. If he didn't get out of there, he would be dead as well. When in a situation where you're in freezing cold water, it has been said that you aren't supposed to move a lot because it could actually cause you to freeze to death faster than if you sit still.

But Chauncey, couldn't sit there any longer.

Chauncey shivered uncontrollably as he let go of the chair, dipping down into the water. Chauncey was so cold that his body started to feel like there was razors cutting all over it. Weak from sitting in the water all day, Chauncey swam a little as he opened is eyes, glancing down at Tina's painted toes and brown legs. Chauncey grabbed her legs and moved her up out of the water, lifting out and noticing that she was lying with her back down in the water. She was frozen solid. Chauncey shivered and shook as he used the chair to climb and lay onto Tina's body as if it were a board. He glanced down at her sleeping face and frozen folded arms as he hung onto her arms, kissing her on her forehead.

"S-sorry Tina, but I n-n-need you..." Chauncey whispered.

Lying on her body, Chauncey swam with his arms, moving ahead in the cold waters. He sat with his stomach down on her body, swimming ahead with the only strength he had. With his arms. He swam farther and farther away from the chair, trying to move closer and closer to the mountains. Chauncey realized that the only way anyone could hear him, is if he screamed as loud as he could.

"H-HELP!" Chauncey yelled in a raspy tone. "IM STUCK OUT AT SEA! SOMEONE HELP ME!"

Who could hear Chauncey? Hikers.

Two men who were hiking and climbing on top of the mountains heard the faded noise of what sounded like a cry for help. The two of them gave each other a weird look and looked over the snowy mountains, noticing what looked like a man who was lying on top of a mannequin.

"HELP!" Chauncey hollered. "SOMEONE HELP ME!"

The first man grabbed the other mans shoulder, pointing to their tent.

"Go grab your cell and call for help!" The man chanted.

Chauncey winded up slipping out of consciousness after only swimming for 10 minutes.

30 minutes later, Chauncey heard the noise of a loud whirling sound. He slowly lifted his head off of Tina's chest, looking up as they saw a helicopter flying over him. Chauncey gazed up at the light and looked at the rope that flopped down near his arm.

"We're here to help you, sir!" The flyer chanted.

Chauncey was finally rescued. But a moment that was supposed to be filled with joy, was filled with grief and misery. Chauncey sat out in the freezing cold water for almost 4 hours. Not to mention, Tina was gone. He was supposed to be saved with his friend, celebrating and laughing about it when he got home. However, it was the complete and polar opposite. Chauncey had one request when he was helped onto the plane.

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