Chapter 10

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Date: December 10, 1987

Michael's POV

It was 7:44am and I was just laying in bed, listening to Shayne walk around the house, loudly singing She actually has a great voice We just got back home about two days ago cause we spent a few extra days in Auckland, New Zealand

Tour has been amazing, so far and I can't wait to start the United States leg I was lost in my thoughts when Shayne walked through the door carrying a tray She saw me looking at her and froze in place

Shayne: Did I wake you up.?

Michael: Not you Your singing did

Shayne:(Blushes) Sorry

Michael: No.! You sound good.!

Shayne:(Giggles) Thanks I have something for you

Michael: And what's that.?

(She walked over to the bed and sat the tray on my lap. I looked at it and saw that she had cooked all of my favorite breakfast foods. I looked at her and smiled.)

Michael: How did you know that these were my favorites.?

Shayne: Julie told me I thought you deserved something nice

Michael: Well, thank you baby

(I pecked her lips and moved the tray out of my lap. I grabbed her arm and pulled her down so that she was in my lap. She laughed loudly.)

Shayne: What are you doing.?

Michael:(Kisses her neck) Having my breakfast

Shayne: You are a nasty little thing, Mr. Jackson

Michael: But you like it though, right.?

Shayne:(Wraps arms around his neck) Yeah, I guess

(She leaned down and kissed me passionately. I tightened my grip on her and kissed back. I moved down and let wet kisses on her neck. All of a sudden, she pushed me away.)

Shayne: Seriously, are you going to eat that.?

Michael: I wasn't exactly done with you yet

Shayne:(Whines) Michael.!!

Michael: Fine (Smirks) Feed me.?

Shayne: You are just on one today, huh.?

Michael: Yep

(I laughed as she grabbed a piece of the toast and fed it to me. While she was feeding me, I would nibble on her fingers, which would cause her to gasp and hit me. After I finished, she put the tray on the nightstand and looked at me.)

Shayne: So,..... Christmas is coming up

Michael: I know

Shayne: What did you wanna do.? I was thinking maybe we could open presents and then just have our friends over, like Elizabeth, and Karen

Michael: That sounds good but the thing is that Ive never celebrated Christmas

(Her eyes widened and she gasped.)

Michael: Hard to believe, right.?

Shayne: Yeah Why not.?

Michael:(Shrugs) Jehovah Witnesses don't believe in it

Shayne: But you haven't been a Jehovah Witness for what.? 3 years.?

Michael:(Shakes head) 4

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