Chapter Four

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The two young men walked outside to the driveway. "Why do we have to talk out here? I'm cooking," Angus said.

"Just somewhere private. I want to make sure you're okay with all this."

"With what?"

"Your wife and best friend."

"Course I'm okay with it. Why wouldn't I be?" Malcolm shrugged.

"'Cause I know how much you liked Hannah. You still  like her and-"

"No, I'm completely over her. She's my past now."

"Don't you dare fucking try that again Angus!" Malcolm yelled. "Just stop!"

"Stop what?" Angus yelled back.

"Back when Hannah first got here you denied what you felt, ignored her, risked her fucking life with Lucy, and-"

"I'm freaking married now Mal! I got married for a reason! I love Ellen."

"I don't doubt that."


"And I also don't doubt you still have feelings for the girl you met first!"

"I knew her for two months, I've known Ellen much longer and love her more."

"Angus listen to yourself! Even Bon can smell your bullshit."

"Leave him out of this," Angus said way too quietly, balling his fists.

"I hate this too Ang."

"You don't know what I'm feeling."

"No! I don't! You never tell anyone what you're feeling! What about how I feel though, huh? I went through hell too! I'm the one who had to call his parents. Tell them their son was dead! That was the second worst thing I've ever done!" Malcolm yelled.


"The first, was watching my brother go through hell and back but not being able to do anything 'cause he wouldn't tell me what bothered him." His voice was much calmer. Angus closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Even if I did still have feelings for her, she doesn't still like me back. She got her old life back after she met us, she's forgotten all about 1975."

"Keep thinkin' that Angus. You'll be real sorry you did." Malcolm walked back inside slamming the door after him and leaving Angus alone. Angus sighed in frustration and walked around to the back of the house. His hands combed through his hair. Why was it so hard for him to admit his feelings for her? Even if he didn't talk to Hannah directly, he could still tell the band couldn't he? Or would Ellen find out? She wasn't the jealous type, but also a force to be reckoned with. And now she had a reason to be. Angus walked to the backyard and looked up at a yellow window on the second floor...

"You have your own bathroom in here, that door is a closet I think...yep. And you can put your clothes in there once we get you some." Great. Clothes shopping again. "Is this okay?"

"It's great. It's nice to have my own bathroom here."

"Oh yeah. That's a real luxury, especially in this house. Put five men in one place..." We both cracked up at her comment that left us to our imagination. "What was 2016 like?" Ellen asked with curiosity.

"Hmm... there's a lot of new technology, the music is rather different. And not all of it for the better."

"Why? What's wrong with it?"

"Not much, just that-people use these machines to make their voices sound 'better'. It's almost not even about talent anymore."

"What about my husband?" she asked worriedly.

"What do you mean?"

"You knew the whole time Bon would-"


"Does anything happen to him? To us?" I smiled.

"No he's fine. AC/DC was still going louder than ever." Ellen smiled in return.

"I worry about him. He's a strong-willed man but even the worst happens to the best of us." We sat there in a silence for a while before Ellen excused herself. "Well I'll leave you to shower, make yourself at home." I walked to the bathroom to shower when I heard a creak at the window. Something or someone knocked on it and when I went to check...


"Hey," he croaked. I found Angus dangling from the two story window.

"What the crap are you doing?"

"What does it look like?"

"You're nuts!"

"Hannah love, I've been aware of that for twenty five years now, especially in these last few minutes. Now for the love of God, please pull me in." I grabbed his wrist and he used the side of the house as a foothold. It may not have been that he was heavy, but probably mostly my noodle arms that I struggled with. I pulled him up a good amount and he got one foot on the window sill, then pushed off and fell onto me. Which led us crashing to the floor.

"Angus get off!"

"I don't know, I'm pretty comfortable right here... hope you don't mind my dropping in," he said winking at me.

"I'm serious."

"Me too. I just climbed up a two story house, my arms are killin' me."

"Just please get off me."

"Okay." With that he wrapped his arms around me and rolled over so I was on top of him. "That better?" I tried to give him an upset face but I lost it. I put my head on his shoulder and laughed at his antics again. He laughed a little and sat up still holding me. I looked at him during my fit and managed to speak.

"What were you doing?"

"Like I said. Just dropping in."

"You couldn't use the door?"

"But where's the fun in that, love?" he grinned. I removed myself from his lap and helped him up.

"You're the craziest man I've ever met."

"All in a day's work," he said giving a little bow. He headed for the door then turned to me. "You comin'?"

"I'll be out soon, I wanted to take a shower first."

"Alright, I'll keep your seat warm. We're watching a movie tonight."

"Which one?"

"Not sure. I mean we knew at first, but Phil ordered it along with his pizza so we kind of forgot it's been so long." I smiled.

"See you soon."

"See ya'."

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