The break up and the "date"

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Cameron's point of view

It's the end of last hour so I leave a little early because the office needed to see me and I want to get there before there was a ton of people in the halls. I walk to the office when a cute guy pulls me behind a wall.

"Shhhh" is all he said while holding me.

"What's going on ?" I asked.

"Shawn and Finn are in a fight." He said with a huge sexy smile.

"So why are we here and why do you look happy about it ?!" I asked kinda pissed that he's listening to Shawn's conversation.

"I like Finn but he's with Shawn so I can't do anything but they both don't like each other so they need to break up and I'm friends with both of them so I can't pick one or the other so I'm glad they are doing this on there own with out me." He said with less of a smile than last time.

"Oh okay but still don't you think it's rude to wait here and listen ?" I asked.

"No they will both tell me about it once it's over anyways so..." He said with a smile again.

       We wait there for about five minutes.

"It sounds like there gone." I said.

I wait another minute than I turn the corner and run strait into someone. While the mystery guy runs away.

"Ouch that hurt." I said mostly to myself.

"Oh sorry Cameron..." Shawn said with tears running down his face.

He jogs towards the boys bathroom and I follow him.

"Are you okay ?" I ask. As he sits in the corner covering his face with his legs.

He looks up at me and the tears have now stopped flowing. After about five minutes.

"How do you feel about hanging out with me tonight?" He asked with a small sad smile.

"I would love too.... Here let me help you up." I said while reaching for his hand.

He takes my hand and I pull him up. He got some paper towel to wipe his face and then he looks at me and says.

"Give me your phone."

"Okay..." I said sheepishly.

"Here now you have my number oh and be ready by five and wear comfy yet casual clothes." He said while walking out of the bathroom leaving me all by myself.

I check myself in the mirror and I'm as red as a tomato and I have a huge smile from what Shawn just said too me. I got to the office and then I walk home which is only like two blocks away.


I just opened the door when my sister was asking me all these questions.

"How was your first day ?!Did you make friends ?! Did you see any cute people?!"

"Umm my day was good I met Shawn Mendes and he even asked me to hang out tonight." I said trying to be nonchalant.

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