Chapter 3.

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Mystreets pov
I don't still don't trust them!!!!!!!
Aphmaus pov
Sam came back in and asked" Hey Aphmau wanna go to IHOP?". I thought about it for a second" Can Zane come?"I asked. "Sure let's go!" And off we wen't.
Sam's pov
When we got there Jess was very happy but I could hear whispering. " Shut up Laurence or they'll hear us!!!" . At that moment I could tell it was her " Friends" so I told Aphmau. She seemed really mad and Zane was too."Why do they always invade my privacy"!?!?!? Aphmau whispered. "I don't know but they don't seem like true friends." Zane said. I decided to figure out where they were. I told Taurtis and Grian to follow me and for Aphmau and Zane to stay. " I don't understand why Aphmau suddenly just left us to go hangout with those weirdos." Said a voice most likely Garroth or Laurence. I looked over and saw almost everyone of Aphmau's " friends" behind a bush. The only people not there were Travis and Kawaii'Chan. I got a little mad and we went back inside. "Almost all your "friends" are out there Aphmau!!" Grian exclaimed. "Hey I have an idea you guys flirt with Aphmau to bring them out"Taurtis said. "Ok" we said in unison.
" Hey Aph have I ever told you how pretty your eyes are" I said in a obviously fake voice. "And you have pretty hair too"Grian added. I could hear growling from outside so me and Grian decided to have a fake argument. "She's mine" "No she's mine" we went back and forth while the others were trying not to laugh. Finally Aphmau's "friends" came in and Laurence and Garroth grab Aphmau and yell "she's Mine!!!"

Taurtis's pov
Oh no the didn't! They literally just did that " You guys don messed up!" I said clearly noticing how mad Aphmau was. So mad that she slapped both of them and told all of them to go home. After that we all drove home.

Hey guys was that a good chapter? I hope so.
I also need oc's. You can make two in total.
My oc for  the example.
Hair color:Brown
Eye color:Brown
Personality: Happy,Friendly and determined
Clothing choice:She usually anything comfortable.
Sibling: Sam Gladiator
Backstory: Unknown for now.
I will chose ten or more based on how many people make an oc and I will tell you who won next chapter. That's all for now so byyyyyyeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

Samgladiator x Mystreet [Discontinued/This is trash so read at your own risk]Where stories live. Discover now