Chapter 5 IHOP and some more suprises

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Hey I'm back!For the Oc's who weren't introduced in the last chapter you will either be introduced in the next Chapter!!
Katelyns pov
I don't want Aphmau getting hurt! We don't know those people and they could be forcing her to be with them! Aaron is seemingly upset and he objected to our plan but we convinced him..... ANYWAY LETS GO!!

Aphmau's pov
After we raced to Sam's house we got into his car and some of the others had to ride with Grian since we don't trust Taurtis enough to let him drive. While sam was driving I got a text from my spy.
S= Spy A= Aphmau

S:Since I'm  only on Katelyns side so I can give you info about what's going on here's the info we are following/ Stalking you guys to IHOP.
And in order to keep character I will act jealous A: ok thanks for the info !

"Ok guys! The idiot squad is following us to IHOP." I said angrily. " How do you know that?" They said back."Our spy told me!!" " Ok!" They all yelled back as we pulled into IHOP. And out the corner of my eye I could see Laurence's car. We ran inside and I spotted my other friends!! " SHUMPIE!ALESA!" " J-APHMAU!!!" They yelled while hugging me. " it's so good to see you Aph!" Shelby said."Good to see you guys too. But where are the others?" I questioned. "Oh they're coming we saw them a few minutes ag-" Alesa was cut of by another voice." GET OUT OF THE FOUNTAIN NEKO!!!!!!" Yelled a familiar voice." But it's fun!" I quickly turned around and saw the others." Hahahah! Neko why are you in the fountain?!?!?" I said not concealing my laughter." Because it's fun!!" She yelled back." Ma'am we need you to get out of the pool." A security guard said ( security guard was autocorrected to sexy!! XD) "fine..." She said sadly." Anyway..... it's so good to see you Sis and bro!" Before I could reply we got escorted to our table! We decided to get a booth because I could see out the window and it was large enough for all of us. After we ordered and got our food things started to get weird and by the end of it we almost had a Mithross and a Saurtis moment." Can we just finish our food before we get kicked out?!?" Grian asked obviously annoyed. "Please?" Zane asked to
. "Fine" and we finished and left. I was surprised that we weren't interrupted by my " friends" but I knew they were still spying on us I just knew.

Katelyns pov
Aphmau's friends are so weird I wonder if we should ask Sylvania about them... I mean that is her mom. And if Sylvania doesn't know them then I will just have to confront them. Starting with that group of girls! They could steal Aphmau from me-us!  And Aphmau needs to be safe! Anyway they're leaving IHOP so we better follow them.Seriosly how did the Bunny girl get on the sealing and not get kicked out!?!?!?

Shelby's pov( Finally some different character!)
After we left we went to Our house to hang out! We all could see Aph's other friends following us!! They are not good at hiding... I wish they would just introduce themselves to us so we could all become friends, but I guess they don't want to.(I had an awesome idea for this part and I lost it so I'll just improvise)When we got there we decided to play Minecraft since it was the only game that could have so many players!! We played that for like 30 minutes when there was a knock at the door. " Can you get it Shelby?" Alesa Asked."Yeah sure!" And I ran downstairs to the door. When I got there I could see.......

And that's the end for this chapter I hope you guys enjoyed it and I'll see you next time byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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