Chapter Two : First Day

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Word Count : 1k

I wake up on the morning we had to go feeling dreadful. I stuff my face into the pillow, not wanting to move. My hair was a mess and greasy, I only washed it yesterday. I get out of bed reluctantly and get on my robes. I get dressed and fix my hair to look at least semi-decent. I take out all my belongings and put it on top of my bed wondering what things was going to be like at this school. I look out the window to pear over Hogwarts. I love this school, I'd hate for anything to happen to it...


I get on the train and sit in a cabin with Hermione, Harry and Ron. I sit in the window seat and look out, wanting to ignore the fact that my social anxiety would kick off soon. The trolley clicked along the floor and Ron got up "Ron, get something for me" I asked handing him some galleons. He comes back and hands me back my money, and smiles. He threw a chocolate frog towards me, I devoured it to eat threw my problems.  Draco walks past the window and stuck his finger up at me, I threw a nasty look back at him. Why is he so vile?

Eventually we got of the train, and we are informed how to get to "ministry of magic wizarding school". I link arms with Hermione so I don't loose her, it can be easy to get distracted in places like this. We walked and walked for what felt for miles until we reached a horse and carriage. Wasn't it a bit small for all of us? You step inside and saw how big it was. Never mind...

You arrived at the school and you all walked in lines. The teacher had you all stop before entering the school, it was if she was seeing if you was worthy to enter the school. It looked so big and luxurious as you looked around you. You pay your attention back onto the woman at the front. She had a pink blazer and skirt on, as well as a pink hat with her hair done as if it was in a classic 70s hairstyle. She was rather short, and she was wearing heels... which was also pink.

We walk into the school and are taken to our new dorm rooms. We stop outside gryffindors, and I expect the Slytherins to keep walking. But they don't. They stop along the same hallway. You've got to be kidding me! First off we've got to spend a month maybe more with them alone, now we're right next to each other as well? This is mad.

I walk in and once again it's massive. It was twice the size of our common room, and that's not even counting the rooms that we sleep in. I run into the girls dorms grabbing Hermione by the wrist and plonk my things down on a bed. I look around the room and everything is pink. Is this the doing of that woman or are they enforcing stereotypically on us? "My eyes hurt" I hear Hermione complain
"What?" I ask confused
"It's too... pink"
"That is the best complaint I've ever heard Hermione granger" I say laughing
"Well it's true!! Look at it" she exclaimed joining in laughing
"It is, quite, pink"

I slide my suitcase underneath my bed and walk out to go to the boys room, that's if I don't get lost along the way. I knock on the door and no one answers, so I peak my head round the door and still no ones there. I shut the door and felt two cold hands on my shoulders making me jump and I almost fall over. I look over my shoulder and it's Harry "harry you scared me half to death!" I yell
"I don't care!" He yells back, picking me up from behind at my waist. I frail my legs and arms about making him loose a bit of grip but not all of it as he's still got a hold of me "Harry James Potter put me down!"
"Hold on then unless you want to be thrown on the floor"

He walks over to the sofa and sits down with me. The sofa was pure white and leather, and the table in front of us was white and wooden. I kick my feet up on to it and Harry looks at me funny. "What? No one has told me I can't" I smirked

A letter flew into the room from the window and it opened itself up "EVERYONE SHALL ATTEND THE MAIN HALL IMMEDIATELY! Thank you" the letter fell onto the floor

"Hermione!" I yelled
"I'm here" she whispered in my ear
I jump, "What is it with everyone today?! Anyway, come on let's go"

We walk in lines down the hall led by I suppose a prefect. He was very tall and had black hair that was in what looked like a superman swoosh, and not a very good one at that. His face looked like what you would describe as 'sucking on a wasp'. You could tell he thinks highly of himself just the way he is walking. His head was held high and his chest walked in front of him. He was rich, a snob or both. Two white doors opened and Gryffindors was told to go to the left in rows of 10 and Slytherin the same but on the right. That pink lady was at the front again looking down over us all. Do you know those people you want to punch in the face for no reason at all? She was one of those.

"Hello Hogwarts students, my name is Professor Umbridge. I suspect you already know why you're here and that you have been told to be on your best behaviour. Well that's wrong, you've got to be better than the best. Ok?" She laughed in an irritatingly high pitched laugh. She read out a list of rules longer than both my arms, some being as stupid as "you can not sit within a meter of the other gender outside lessons" What is wrong with this women

(A/N : The next chapter might come a little late, because I had an idea and I found it in another persons story and I didn't want to be accused of stealing lmao. Hopefully it should be up soon anyway. Thanks ~)

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