Chapter 6 : "You mean, they're dead?"

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((A/N: I forgot to mention that I've gave the reader a name, Ivy. I thought it would make more sense and I've been told by my friend it's 'distracting' to put Y/N over and over. Anyway I'll stop blabbing, bye))


I take a seat with Hermione outside her office. I've not been in trouble, well, not seriously anyway so I have no idea why I'm so nervous. I spin my ring around my finger so I don't explode with anticipation. As on cue, the door opens and she's standing there smiling at me "Lockwood?" I nod "come in dear" I stand up and give Hermione a half re-assuring smile and walk in. Her behaviour was already off and she'd only spoke a few words. Umbridge shuts the door behind me and I take a seat. The room around me was filled with little tea cup almost-looking plates  with cats on them. Any free space on the wall had marks were I guess more would be put up. I mean, talk about crazy cat lady. My attention is snapped back when she sits down and does a chesty cough. "Miss Lockwood, I'm aware you don't know why you've been called?"

"U-Um no Professor" I cough out

"Well, I've been asked by Professor Dumbledore that I unfortunately have to be the bearer of bad news" She gives a half sympathetic smile

"What- do you mean be the bearer of bad news?"

"I'm sorry to have to tell you but, your parents have sadly; passed on. They was murdered by Death Eaters in the ministry" My ears start to ring loudly with every time I'd yelled at or been a bitch to my parents my parents, circling my train of thoughts. My vision is like it's been turned off by a flick of a switch and replaced by a sharp stabbing pain all over. My parents, are dead. Gone, forever. I'll never be able to see them again. My lungs felt heavy, like someone had their hand around my throat. Like they'd tried to finish me of the job of murdering our family name. "Ivy?" Everything stops but my eyesight is still blurred from the water that had built up in my eyes.

"You mean, they're dead?" I said, drained of emotions. Of anything.

"Yes, sweat heart. You've been given permission to go home, or you can stay here for you're last week. We'd like you stay for you're education of course, otherwise you will be provided with a transport back home"

"No, I-I'll stay. Um- can I go?" My voice trembles "thanks" She said nothing but I still got up and ran out the door. Hermione was still waiting but I ran all the way back to my room. It was a journey and a half, and I had a burning sensation in my legs by the time I got there. I collapsed on my bed, not breathing very well again. I cry into my pillow, muffling the sounds making me sound obnoxious. But I don't care. I hear the door click open followed by heavy footsteps.

"Ivy?? Ivy? Hey, hey, what's up?" Hermione asked whilst kneeling down at my bedside. Reluctantly I flip over probably exposing the redness if my eyes and the puffiness of my under eyes. She uses her thumb to wipe away my tears "what's happened" she asks sympathetically

"Um, they-they're dead Hermione. My parents, they're dead" I belch out, screaming sounding like a toddler throwing a fit in the middle of a store

"Oh, babe" she barely whispered, pulling me up from the bed giving me a tight hug. Her warmth contrasted from my face cold from wet tears. I wrap my arms around her back, my nails digging into her. Though she didn't seem to care. I wouldn't be surprised if I tore a hole straight through to be completely honest. My head presses into her shoulder area, before I get up with a sudden urge to vomit. I run into the bathroom with my head over the toilet vomiting pure stomach vile. No food. It burned all the way up through my throat leaving an unpleasant taste in my mouth. Hermione holds my hair back and tries her best to comfort me from the sad reality that had become in the space of five minutes. "You- do you want to stay at mine, you know, in the holidays?" My answer was just another load of dry vomit.

I shake my head with the power left within me and I stand back up, wiping my mouth. "No- I want to go home. Whilst I still can" I look in the mirror and touch my complexion before me like a picture. I looked different, a lot surprisingly. Well, is it? I pick up the brush and run it threw my hair gently, smiling. The way my mother did when I was a young girl. Before I was aware of magic,Hogwarts, anything. I turn the sink on so it starts running and I splash my face with cold water when it's at the point of practically freezing. I shudder and dry my face with the towel next to me. It felt ruff in contrast with the way I brushed my hair. "Lesson?" I smile, looking at Hermione threw the mirror. Quickly dropping it realising it was potions. Just what I need. She reached out for my hand and I take hers, interlocking our fingers. We walk all the way to class like it in silence. It wasn't awkward, not a bit. I take a seat on the back bench next to Hermione and we almost basically sit on each other. We get a few looks but I pass it off as unimportant, because it is. Hermione being Hermione she whacks out a book on potions, a quill and some ink. She starts doodling a little picture of who I guess to be Malfoy getting his head ripped off by a shark. I laugh, and as if he knew he comes up behind us.

"What's that mudbloods?" She snarles, snatching the paper from her grip. He looks at it confused, startled slightly. Blaise behind him laughs out loud, quite literally and becomes quite after he realises he would get hexed by Malfoy otherwise. "Is this meant to be funny?" Harry comes around the corner and looks at it and sniggered. "Anything funny, Potter?"

"Yeah, that in your hands" he laughed again and took a seat by me

"Better watch out mudbloods, I'll catch up to you I will" he screws up the paper and throws it at Harry.

"Temper temper" I shout as he walked off to a bench. Blaise looked back at us and winks as if to say "well done".

The professor walks in and I already get bad vibes. I don't like this guy at all. He sits at the front not bothering to notice us. He was bold and had a tight suit on, he looked to old to be here. That's saying something. I come closer to Harry's ear and whisper "I don't like him" as quiet as I could to the point he could hear me.

"You" he pointed at me. How did he even hear that. His voice was ruff and strict, knowing this I still reply with a grunt. "Excuse me?" His voice raises

"What?" I reply bluntly, rolling my eyes.
"Detention" he yelled
"But why?"
"Because your behaviour is appalling!"

"Well, considering I just found out my parents have been murdered I think it's acceptable?" His face dropped "Exactly, I'm not coming even if you drag me there. Ok?"

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