Chapter 5 : Lachlan

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I try to ignore Malfoys comment but I just can't. Last thing I knew he was making a move on me, now he doesn't like me anymore? What sense does that make? I push the thought aside and walk to care if magical creatures with Lachlan. The weird lesson had actually made me learn a lot about him. He's an only child, his mother died when he was young, he didn't like his father so he kept distant etc etc. I don't know how we got into that subject but we did. He was quite funny as well, his sense of humour aligned with mine easily. Draco was up ahead of us, still turning round to sneer at us.

"Who is that guy?" Lachlan asked
"The blonde one you mean?" I reply, he nods
"Oh, that's Malfoy. Well, Draco Malfoy"
"Why does he keep looking at you"
"I don't know. We had...words" I gulp "no need to get jealous" I laugh
"Mm- ok" he glared at Malfoy

We walked the rest of the way in silence with our arms linked. We get to were we are supposed to be and it's outside in a forest with desks set up. Outside classroom, cool. The books on the tables are just normal text books, not enchanted like the ones at Hogwarts. Dramatically, the page flicks open to 'hippogriffs'. I love hippogriffs, last year I met buckbeak. Hagrid said that I'd be ok to visit him whenever. Last year was quite difficult for me, so Buckbeak (and Hagrid of course) felt like a friend.

Suddenly, a Hippogriff followed by a teacher came around the corner. It was beautiful. I find it odd how people don't. Then I remember Malfoys fit last year, that was something to laugh at! 'I'm dying, I think it's killed me!' I cover my smirk by putting my hand over my mouth, trying my best to not let any weird noises escape. "Right, who wants a go then?" The professor said. Only I raised my hand. I'm sure Luna would of if she was here... Anyway, I get out of my chair and scramble to the front. I bow from a distance, and the HippoGriff repeats my actions. I walk towards it and stroked its face and it made me realise how much I miss Hogwarts. All the memories I have there with anyone and everyone. I can't wait to go back. I will miss Lachlan, even though we've only known each other for a short while. He makes me feel happier and safe, not to mention loved.

Anyway, I hop on the back of him and the teacher gives him the signal and he's off. The wind pushing past my ears blocked out everything. It was lush. Everything is so tranquil and calm. Nothing is in the way of my happiness in the skys. We pass over a lake and we dip down, feeling the water spalsh gently across my face. His foot cutting the water as we glide


I took a seat back down at my outdoor classroom as people Gapped at me. "Yeah?" I ask sarcastically and everyone turns back round as soon as you can even say sarcastically. I hear a snigger from behind me and to be honest I wasn't to sure if it was Malfoy or Lachlan. I let curiosity take me and I turn round to see Malfoy laughing from behind his hand. He looks up at me and does a chesty cough returning his attention to the teacher. I just realised that i don't even know what we've been talking about because I wasn't concentrating. Hopefully I won't get chosen to say anything. Gosh I hate it when teacher involuntary ask you something. Oh god I'm doing it again. I start actually listening to what the teacher has to say, but it turns out it's nothing I've no heard before.

"Have we got any homework miss?" Some kid asked, irritating the whole class. He even got a few mutters of "dickhead" and or "twat".

"3 page essay on Hippogriffs by next lesson"she says smugly, once again irritating the whole class "Now off you trott" I collect my things and get up to leave.

Break, how bliss. 20 minutes before I have to go to potions. If it's any more difficult here than at Hogwarts then I'm done for. I walk to my common room and try not to get lost along the way. Somehow everyone is already here but lined up to leave again. I hope it's not some dumb assembly like we had in muggle school. I'm guessing this is something everyone has to attend to. Ah, break has slipped from my grasp. I push in behind Harry and Hermione, Ron and Ginny not in sight. I still don't understand what's up with her.

We walk up into the main hall and stand in a mush. It's only Gryffindor's and Slytherins, it's probably about going home. Considering how big this hall is everyone's condensed together. I peer round and catch eye contact with one and only Malfoy. It was only brief but it was enough time for him to sneer at me and Blaise to wink at me from the corner of my eye. What a pair of goons. I whisper to Harry "don't look back" but he does, obviously. He mouths something to them, but I don't know what. I assume it's something to do with me.

Umbridge shows up still in the same pink outfit. You'd think a women like her would have more than one outfit with the cash she's probably got in her pocket. "Hello, students of Hogwarts! I am truly delighted to tell you that you will be returning home. When you may ask? Next week!" She yelled ecstatically "we was planning on giving you set uniform but, now it's not needed!" She laughed her witch laugh "Before you go, please may Ivy Lockwood make her way to the main office ASAP. Thank you"

Going home? I thought-what??Anyway, what does she want with me? So many questions, no answers. I look over at Hermione and she looks just as confused as I am. She mouths "do you want me to wait for you" and I simply nod my head.

((A/N : I'm so sorry I've disappeared. Ive been a bit busy, and I've had somewhat of a writers block and I've had no idea what to write. If I'm being honest, for a while I didn't know if I wanted to continue with this but obviously I am. I'm back and hopefully there will be another part uploaded soon. I love you guys! Anyway, we almost have a hundred reads and that's so amazing! I really do appreciate every one of you reading this! Thank you so much, and I'll see you in the next chapter!))

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