Chapter one : Death Eater Issues

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Word count : 1.2k

You sat with Harry, Hermione and Ron at the Gryffindor house table waiting for breakfast. Dumbledore rises from his seat waiting for everyone's attention "good morning, students of Hogwarts. I know you are all hungry, but first I have an announcement. I don't want to worry any of you, but you will all be transferred to a different wizarding schools for around a month" all the students starting whispering "Hogwarts will not be a safe place for you children at the minute. You will be educated at two different schools. Any one in the house of Gryffindor or Slytherin will be moved to the 'ministry of magic wizarding school'. People in Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw will be sent to  'Miss Petrova's school of magic'. Now I will expect each and every one of you to behave the same way you would here. I know you all have a lot of questions, but any of importance can be asked to me in my office later today. Further details will be given soon. Let the feast begin!" Dumbledore exclaimed, throwing his hands up and the food dropped. Ron dug in straight away, somehow he didn't have any questions about this odd occurrence.

"If we must leave the school, why are we not being sent home?" Harry asked, in between taking bites of toast
"I don't know, but we could always go and ask him. I mean, it's not like he doesn't like us" I replied
"Should we just wait until dinner?" Ron intervened
"That might be a good idea actually"

You all finish with breakfast and head to  Defence Against The Dark Arts classroom. Everyone is muttering about leaving to go to a different school, but to be honest the only thing You care about is being sent with Slytherins. Malfoy and his crew enjoyed getting a reaction out of you daily. Any way they can they'll irritate you. Whether it's throwing something at you, spitting at you, calling you names. They'd done it all. They're favourite thing was calling you mud blood, like Hermione. Although, it made no sence whatsoever considering you was pure blood. And you knew that Draco knew you was. You was surprised you wasn't called blood-traitor out of all things, it wasn't like anyone didn't know you was pure blood. Both of your parents was high up and well respected in the ministry. It was odd that anyone would step out of line considering that.

"Oi, Lockwood, get here" you heard Malfoy spit, walking up behind you
"I'm not a dog, Malfoy" I hissed back "get a life"
"Ooooh, are we grumpy? Is (Y/N) grumpy?" He said in a childish baby voice
"Piss off Malfoy" Harry joined in

Not knowing what to say or do, I just punched him straight in the gut. He let out a groan in pain "No, I'm not, Angry is more like the word" I yelled, back in my track to DADA.
"That was amazing (Y/N), I didn't know you could throw a punch like that" Harry said
"Yeah, that was so cool" Ron agreed
"Haha, thanks. Neither did I to be honest, but he just irritates me. It's been building up inside of me" I sigh
Hermione wraps her arm around me "you can talk to me whenever" I nod and continue walking.

We sit down in class, waiting to be paired up. We had a new teacher and he gave us new partners every week. God knows why, he doesn't need to.
"Ok. Harry Potter with Hermione Granger, Ron Wesley with Pansy Parkinson, (Y/N) Lockwood and Draco Malfoy" he carried on but you didn't bother listening as you was already disappointed. You got up and moved to sit down next to him.

"Don't make me fail this class mudblood" he whispered in my ear
"I'm better than you in this class, so really, I'd like to tell you that"
"Malfoy, Lockwood, shush please" the teacher spoke

You stop talking to him and start taking notes. You always wrote a lot in this class as it was one of your favourites. However Draco was still whispering insults in your ear, you felt the rage building up inside of you but you was controlling it. Your parchment had almost ripped a few times because you was applying a lot of pressure in your quill since you wasn't letting out your anger.

I walk out of class heated and I see Hermione waiting for me. She looked at me in a concerned manner "Are you alright?" She asked, stroking my arm
"It's ok, it's just Malfoy"
"Ok, we should get to divintion anyway"
"Ugh, I forgot we had to listen to that goon for an hour today" I complained, Hermione laughed at me "well what's my fortune 'Mione?"
"Oh my gosh! The grim, stay safe child" you both say in an irritating high pitched voice, mockingly


I sat down next to Hermione at a table, but today we had a crystal ball instead of tea leaves. For the one millionth time. I sit and look at it and it's just foggy, no grim, no picture, no sign of anything. Hermione is sat spaced out staring and god knows what. "Today class, we're going to a looking into crystal balllss" she said, with her boring old voice. Immature sniggers came from around the room "now tell me what you can see" No one raised there hand, so she approached me "what can you see (Y/N)?"
"Nothing?" I sighed
"No no, there must be something"
"Well there isn't!" I almost yelled, Hermione laughing under breath. The professor left and went to go irritate someone else. I continue staring at the ball, and I see someone's face appear, is it Malfoy? No, it can't be...

I tune out for the rest of class, and leave the room with Hermione. Ron and Harry always leave first so they can get to dinner faster. Me and Hermione never can be bothered to catch up to them. When we get there there is still no food on the tables yet, I think dumbledore is going to tell us more. I sit down anxiously at the table, waiting for what he has to say " I've come to the realisation that it would be best of me to tell you why you were leaving, but not for home. Death eaters are attacking homes of students here at Hogwarts, and they've threatened to invade the school to recruit and take children. It would not be safe to send you home, so we are sending you to another school. You must not send letters to family telling them where you have gone, for your own safety. You will all depart on Sunday morning. If you still have any questions, you can come to me about them"

My heart dropped, I immediately started to worry about the wellbeing of my family. I'd never forgive myself if they got hurt, after all they're after students. Me. Suddenly, i don't feel like eating "I'm done" I say, standing up to leave even though I didn't start. I practically ran to my dorm. At this point in time I wanted to cry under my mothers protection as she told me we would be safe

(A/N : Hello to any of you reading this! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. Sorry the school names aren't very creative, I couldn't think of anything haha. Anyway, feel free to message/comment us any requests you have. Thanks for reading!)

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