1. Meeting & untold feelings

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Emil and Leon first met at a Halloween party the city held every year. To be truthful he always new Leon-from school, but not on a personal level. Leon was always surrounded by too many people, and Emil was a major intravert so; so in tern always avoided Leon and his croud like the plague. It had nothing to do with the fact that whenever Leon came near his face would feel hot and he would get a strange sensation in his stomach. It was probably the reason why Leon thaught  Emil didn't like him. I mean why would he not think that?

I mean my life's pretty dull. All I ever do is go to school, come home, do homework, play on my phone, and at night kill supernatural beings. Beasts that humans usually can't see but a gift from the God of light enabled a chosen few-and their families-to see them. The only flaw to this unique ability, you we're almost always sleep deprived.

My family moved here because of the abnormal demon activity.  Today is November 1st, 20**. The day after the Halloween party, and I am exaughsted! Why? Because last night was Halloween. And for some reason, every year-without fail- the demons are always more adbundent and stronger.

Also the reason why I did not want to go to school this morning. Slowly dragging myself out of bed. I sat up and rubbed my hands over my eyes trying to rid them of the last fringes of sleep. When I finally was awake enough to open them I took in my surroundings; the heated hardwood floors, both my walk-in closest, the attached bathroom-which the doors were all left open-to the grey of the walls, my night stand that would be bare but for an digital clock.

I got up and made my way to the bathroom, to get dressed. The short but still longer then needed walk always reminded me how loaded out family was. Demon hunting was a profession know only bull the top Officials in the government, and because only one out of ten people could see these demons we were paid a hefty fee for exterminating them, on top of being exempt from taxes-which was awesome. Without this fact I don't know how we would live.

"Em! Are you ready yet we gotta go!" Luckas called from the door.

He had on the school uniform; white undershirt, navy blue vest and dark blue jacket, complimented by blue plad pants and brown dress shoes. Same as me but I felt out the jacket, it was spring after all. The uniform always made me wonder- who came up with it and why the loved the color blue so much...

He was holding my white hotspring decorated backpack in one hand and a bowl filled with yogurt, granola and pamagranate seeds in the other.

I grabbed my school bag first, strung it over my head, then hurried and scarffed down breakfast. "Can't we just not go to school? I mean c'mon a whole night of over whelming holo beasts! Please...big brother." I asked as I gave him my bed pout with puppy dog eyes.

Which made Luckas look like he was fighting his inner demons. But Emil's need for a proper education was critical in our would, I mean their parents needed to sleep sometime. But one the others side Emil called him big brother; which he stopped calling him when he was five.

' though I did call him "big brother" last week when I wanted the bigger gun. But c'mon do we really need details.' His face alone could persuade anyone to do what he wanted. Emil knew that because he had been working on it sense he figured out if he just gave his family a small pout they would cater to his every need.'

Luckas hurriedly looked away, and started walking to the car before he could get sucked in too deep. On the way there he said "N.O. school is good for you. Now let's go."

You could hear Emil's hopes and dreams shatter as he trailed behind his brother.


There was yelling and running footsteps to be heard from every corner of the house, while everyone tried to get there things together and out the door. So late for school at least once this week. But that probably wasn't going to happen, seeing that only leon and Kiku were ready to leave. Their mother, Yao, said they all had to walk to and from school together. They could not leave without everyone there.

"Won't you guys, like, hurry it up!" Leon yelled from the living room.

God! His family was slow. "Stop yelling! We are all tired! Those dumb-a** beasts! It's your fault in the first place, for taking ten minutes in the bathroom to do you precious hair! So you can wait five more minutes!" Hyung-soo, Leon's brother yelled from his room.

"Like, This face doesn't look like this for nothing, beauty takes time!""stupid Hyung-soo" Leon muttered.

His older brother Kiku looked up from his manga, and gave Leon a look that said 'rearry', then he turned back to his manga.

'Ugh can I just, like, leave already, before I kill somebody'. Leon thought to himself.

Finally fifteen minutes later everyone was ensemble and leaving the house. They only lived a few blocks from the school. Leon and Emil got to school at the same time. The only difference was Emil was getting out of a dark red lambergini, and Leon was walking with his little bratty siblings.


As soon as Emil spotted Leon his face turned a light shade of pink and he had to quickly look away. He hurriedly walking -cough- ran -cough- inside the school for safety.

Unfortunately both Luckas and Leon's five other siblings saw this. Luckas gave leon a look that could kill, if looks could kill that is, then he followed after Emil.


Kiku, and Mei turn to leon and ask at the same time. "Are you bullying that kid or something?"

"No! Just, like, for some reason whenever I go near him he, like, runs away. I, like, don't know what I did but it's, like, seriously starting to bug me." Leon stares at the entrance of the school where the white haired boy disappeared, and sighs under his breath.

Yay! First chapter! Please tell me if it was good or not. I love will love some feed back.

This is my first attempt at a book with this couple as the main one. There will be some DenNor in the future and maybe some other couples if I feel like it. But for now here you go.

Oh and thank you Shay246  for the help.

I have decided to go through my old work and fix up some Grammer, change the story slight but not too much I might get through it all might not who knows.

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