8. Teams

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Emil p.o.v

Mathias landed safely, he smiled brightly and walked over to us. Then we all moved into one of the empty taverns. My father then confronted him, "you are late! What if we started without you and luckas was hurt in your absence?" He asked in a voice with authority.

Mathias immediately stood up straight, and his attitude changed to serious. "Yes sir! I'm sorry sir! This won't happen again!" He said

"It better not!..........there I have fulfilled my quota, of being boss, for the day." He said.

"Wait, what do you mean by boyfriend? I thought it wasn't allowed for men to be with men." Kiku asked grabbing our attention.

My mother smiled, luckas and I both tried to stop her from talking by jumping at her but the just dodged by jumping on one of the tables.

"You really want to now?" She asked mischievously.

"YES!" Leon's family said.

"NO! MOTHER PLEASE!" Luckas and I said in unison.

"Awww but why not?" She asked pouting.

"Because it's embarrassing, that's a woman's job not a mans!" Emil cried. "Don't you feel wronged?"

"No, not really." She responded almost confused.

"Sigh......fine whatever, I'm going to the bathroom."

Narrator&leon p.o.v

Emil walked off after that toward the back. I am so lost, what were they arguing about?

"So do you guys still want to know?" His mom asked.

"Like, even more then before now." I said

She looked over at me, I felt like she was sizing me up or something. But then she smiled sweetly and said, "you see my boys are quite special. And by special I mean they can get pregnant! That means I get grandchildren, and they can be happy! They don't have to be forced to marry a women, or just settle with a girl they are friends with. They can have a man or a woman! My babies will be happy, that's all that matters to me!"

So, this means I can love Emil and their is no problem!? Wait! Does Emil even like me? I'll just ask him when we're training. God Emil I want you even more now that I now you aren't untouchable. I was actually planning on asking you out after you got back to school anyway. I am sick of people telling who I can and can't love! So this doesn't really change too much.

I really want to see Emil's face right now!

"Okay let's get back to the original topic before we waist more time." Hyung-soo voiced

"HYUNG!" Mom said

"No he's exactly right, we need to finish before noon. We all need a little bit of sleep at least before you all go back to school tomorrow." John (Emil's father) said.

"Yeah I would like at least some sleep." A familiar voice said.

I looked over and it was Emil, "Woah, like, when did you get back?"

"I have been standing here for a while." He said the slightest hint of a blush plastering his cheeks.

"OK teams! Hyung-soo and Yaoah team 1, yong-soo and Lucy team 2, Mathias and Mei team 3, Kiku and Luckas team 4, Leon and Emil finally team 5. Ivan and I will be admins, if you need help send one of these red flares into the sky." Luckas pulled long thing sticks with a white wrapping at the top out of a cubbord, and started hand one out to each team.

"Ummmm how are we going to light these? We can't make fire? Mei asked

"The cloth is very nonfiction resistant and flammable. Just run it across any surface and it should create sparks and light." Mathias told her with and friendly smile.

"Oh cool!" Mei, and Yong soo said excitedly

"So it's like a firework." Leon asked

His hole family looked towards him, "ummm Emil sweetly it will be better if you held the flare." His mother said

"Yeah, we don't want him setting it off, just because he was curious how it worked." Mei said grabbing the flare from Leon and setting it in Emil's palm.

Emil and the rest of his family were quite confused by this point. "Why can't he have fireworks?" Mathias said breaking the ice.

"He set our lawn on fire once because he was cold." Hyung-soo said with no emotion

"Yeah. Mine don't touch." Emil said holding the flare close to his chest and turning away from leon.

Leon smiled he's adorable, leon thought. "Anyway team 5 you are in the village here, team 4 you get the swamp, team 3 dessert, team 2 jungle, team 1 uuu....."

"Why are you avoiding the other three climates? And when did we get a jungle?" Emil asked

"Last time and I don't think her partner is ready for one of those. We don't want another injury." His father responded still thinking.

"But I could just heal them." He said slightly angry.

"No! You are hear by forbidden to heal anyone, unless given permission by me or your father." His mother said going serious for the first time that day.

"But mother" Emil tried to argue.

"No but's, haven't even healed all the way yet! I won't let you kill yourself if someone get scratched!" She yelled for the first time in months.

But it shut him up, actually it shut everyone up. Then almost instantly she went back to being her cheery self.

"Okay team 1 where would you like to go? There is the jungle, swamp, village, and dessert where you could go." John said changing the subject.

"What are the top three that Emil said you were avoiding?" Hyung soo asked

"The treacherous snowy mountains, the grass Plains where you can't see you enemy, or the dessert where the heat gets to you and makes you make rash dessions." He told Hyung

"But didn't you just assign my sister and your son's boyfriend to the dessert?" Hyung soo asked almost worriedly

"Yes, but I am confident Mathias can take care of your sister. And himself there, he is a protector after all its his job. And if he can't we have the flare and you father and I would be there in an instant, with the help of emil."
He said.

"Fine, I want to go to the dessert then." Hyung said

"Very well. Everyone get going were starting!" He said and everyone scattered going to their assigned areas, with the help of a map.

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