5. Em :(

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It been three days sense Emil spit up blood and collapsed after the battle. And I am worried out of my mind! He knows damn well he's not supposed to go a heal major injuries like that without preparation. Well...I guess it was an emergency, but he still shouldn't have over worked himself!

Damn him for worrying me!!

Plus the fact that a day after his collapse he got a hight fever of 113.5! And now it's Friday and I want him to just wake up already! Mom and dad are constantly by his side. He hasn't eaten a thing sense evert I'mean we try to feed him he will just choke because he can't or won't wake up.

Everyday at school Leon and his siblings keep annoying me with their constant inquiry of question and worry. I grab all Emil's homework while I'm there. When school is over I return to Emil's side setting his things and notes on his desk, and grabbing a chair to sit next to his bed.

"Hey, em can you just wake up already. Everyone misses you." I said while laying my head down next to him and grabbing his hand and holding it.

As much as Mathias tried to comfort me, it didn't matter. I just want my baby brother to wake up!

Mathias did come and visit em a few times with me but he has work too. And we are feeling the effect of em not being there in battle. We have to mix up teams and take on the extra work that Emil does. Which surprisingly is a lot. We each have fifteen to thirty more holos to deal with every night. And more injuries that could of easily been healed.

And sense Emil is the only one with healing ability. Even though that ability was what got him in this situation in the first place. It was just having to regrow an entire arm that made him like this.

When he does wake up I am never letting him do that again. He can heal it so that the person doesn't die but not regrow the fucking arm!

But because I know how much he values being able to help people, the way he can. I won't make him stop. That would just make him feel worthless, no matter how many holos he killed. If he sees someone needs help and he has the power to save them, he'll do it without a second thought.

That probably what happened. He saw that the guy was going to bleed to death if he didn't help. So without thinking of the fucking consequences he goes and uses his power to regrow the fucking arm!!!

What did he think he would come out of if unscathed. Using our internal powers take a toll on our mind and body! If we are not careful we can die from a small injury.

If we tire ourselves out then use our power. We will be out for weeks! The reason why we are like this is because the ancestors of the seers took angle blood to that they could fight the monsters in the world. But mine and Emil's ancestors took angle and demon blood. They were cursed for it but also blessed. There offspring were born with special abilities, magic.

I have more abilities then Emil, but his take more of a toll on his then mine do on me. And then add on the fact that Emil has always had poor health.

When we were little, I took him outside to play in the snow. By the next week we had to take him to the hospital because his fever would not go down, but would increase enstead. It got up to 109°F before the doctors finally got it to lower.

"Emil please, please just....wake up." I begged him, bringing my forehead to his. A tear slipping from his eyes.

~TIME SKIP-sunday~

I haven't left Emil all day, except to do the my business. Mother and father went out to get food for the house. We got a way to give Emil water by sticking an I.V in his right atm.

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