12. 'I love y-you.'

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Emil was kissing leon softly, and very hesitant like. Leon was utterly shocked, that emil, EMIL, initiated the first kiss! The shy, serious, and nervous Emil was actually kissing him, and winning dominance. Oh it was on!

Leon leaned into the kiss making it deeper. He liked Emil's bottom lip, asking for entrence. When Emil didn't allow it, leon slid his hand down Emil's thigh making him gasp. Leon took this chance to start exploring Emil's hot, damp cavern.

Emil groaned slightly. Leon started moving his hand up Emil's thigh to his chest sliding up Emil's shirt in process. Emil gasped again and pulled away.

"Too.....fast...." Emil gasped out

"Like sorry I got carried away in the moment." Leon said, for the first time he was blushing.

Emil smiled this time the tables were turned! Leon was more flushed then Emil this time.

Leon got off of emil standing you and offering Emil a hand to help him up. Emil was covered in mud and moss. His whole back was soaked in muddy water.

"Ugh! Happy Now! I'm soaked and dirty!" Emil said

"Extremely!" Leon said walking over to the dead holo and started removing his sword.

Emil blushed a bit and started walking off to where he thinks luckas and kiku left their bones. [Hehe it sounds like they are dogs]

Leon sounded like he was having extreme trouble in the muddy swamp. "How do you like, walk in this stuff?"

Emil glanced behind him and busted out lauphing. There was leon with one shoe on, half his close covered in mud, trying to get his foot unstuck.

Leon stopped and stared at him, Bewildered.

"Hahaha what, pff.....hahaha" Emil asked trying to calm his laughter.

"That, like, the first time I've heard you laugh."


"Yeah, like, I didn't think you were capable of laughing."

"Hey! Oh course I'm capable of laughing! who isn't!?"

"Like, someone with a disease that makes them incapable of laughter."


"Hey, like, if anyone is a smartass in this relationship it's, like, you."

"Relationship!? What relationship?"

"Like, Mine and your's."

"Who said we were in a relationship?"

"Like, I did."

"I never consented to that!"

"Oh, like, you did though."

"What! When?"

"When you kissed me. I like you, and you like me, so this is now a relationship. I have decided so. Cause why would you, like, kiss me if you didn't like me?" He said then started humming.

"T--that's.....I--I....never mind, do whatever you want." Emil said turning away from leon because he was blushing madly.

"Ummm Emil I now your, like, embarrassed and all but can you, like, come help me?"

"Uh? Oh,......nah." He said and walked to the giant tree in the middle of the swamp.

"Emil! Like don't leave me!"

"Just move your foot forward, then back, then pull it out."


"Hey I think I found them!" Emil yelled back to leon who was now trying to jump between the trees, instead of walking in the mud.

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