2. Ooops....sh**!

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When Luckas finally caught up to Emil he grabbed his shoulders making Emil look him in the eyes. He then asked very aggressively "Is that boy bullying you?"

"N-no, it's just....I....I....I think I may...um...I might like him." Emil confessed turning pink in the face.

Luckas looked completely taken back. I mean it was a crime in most families like ours, families with the sight, to have a member like the same sex. But it wasn't a real problem with theirs because even if you weren't a girl they could get pregnant.l, because of some birth defect that both boys were born with. That's why they are as strong as both men and woman. But almost have the body of a woman. They have the curves like a woman, but nothing else that would suggest to others they were like this.

Being this way was quite troublesome sometimes. Like they often got mistaken as females. But they got used to it over time. There was one good thing though. They could like a man or a woman and not be discriminated for it by there family. And sense they don't care much about what the rest of society thinks, it's fine. It only matters what their lover thinks, and how he or she feels.

But anyway, Norway was completely taken aback. His eyes widened slightly, and that's pretty much as much emotion as you are going to get from him. Unless his boyfriend Mathias is around, I don't know how he does it but he can turn Luckas who is usually calm and with no emotion into a blubbering mess. It's quite a sight to behold. Mathias also has the sight but he is charged with looking after us like the rest of his family. Almost like a royal guard. (Because our family is special in a few other ways)

"You what? Your only sixteen, barely a softmore. How can you already love someone, who you have never even talked to?" Luckas asked.

Emil blushed and looked at his feet "I didn't say I loved him, ....just that I think I like him."

"I can tell this is more then a crush or liking someone by just your face little brother...................sigh...........you should get to know him. In our line of work, it is a miracle if you live to be old." Luckas said almost sadly.

"I-I know I just....can't bring myself to go up to him." Emil admitted.

Luckas sighed, but right then he got an idea. He averted Emil's attention to the lunchroom and slipped his beast gun in Emil's bag. Luckas knew just by one look at that boy and his friends or maybe they were family, he knew they were beast hunters like Emil and himself. He almost smirked at his cleverness.

Unknowingly to Emil Luckas plans to trip him at lunch when leon and a teacher is near. So that he falls and all his stuff spills from his bag. The teacher would think it was a gun, and freak so leon will most definitely see it and know who they were. And immediately want to get to know them.

"Okay then we'll leave it to that. But by the end of the day you will have got to know him, if I can help it." Right then the bell rang and they went there separate ways.


I saw that boy and his brother in the hall right before the bell rang. The white haired boy looked very uncomfortable, but his brother just seamed spoked or was it mad? I couldn't tell. But the bell interrupted my thoughts and I went to Biology by first class. Luckily I have it with the boy.

For some reason I always get butterflies in my stomach when he is a little bit near me. Good thing I always find a way to hook my emotions somehow. I have to be strait, or at least pretend to be for my family's sake. But with this new boy it's going to be hard.

I walked in the classroom and sat at my usual seet in the back, he was already in his seething in the front, and pulling out his notes to do the bellwork on the board. For a second a irritated expression crossed his face before he covered it up and grabbed his note bio note book. I watched him till the bell rang again, I guess I better get busy.

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