The Cat (suck at titles)

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I had a long car ride before and I completed this chappy it was really good but then my stupid iPod died on me like THAT WAS A WHOLE CHAPPY GONE GONE deleted. And this chappy was important. A giant prophecy for starclans sake. xP ik I'm strange and I apologize if this chappy is terrible (like chappy one..) Please y'all if you have the app review it like 4 or 5 stars with a complaint that there should be an auto save feature xD I already sent a bunch anyway sorry this is soooo long so bye!

This was Echopaw's first patrol since the battle. She was patrolling with Swiftfoot, Snakefoot, Pineheart, Maplepaw, Paddlepaw, and herself. Hawksight was helping Dapplefern collect herbs. Swiftfoot was still reluctant to make her a warrior. I'm going to catch the biggest prey out of anybody! she thought That'll show him! Echopaw grinned. It would be so fat, as big as a badger!

"Echopaw!" Swiftfoot pawed her face. "Answer me!" Echopaw paused for a moment. "Ummmm... Can you repeat the question?" she asked dumbly. Swiftfoot sighed. "This is why you can't be a warrior." he shook his head in disappointment. "You can't focus on the task at hand. You need to concentrate." he walked away towards Snakefoot. Echopaw was blazing with fury. Your why I can't be a warrior! she thought angrily. I'll teach him. Everyone will be surprised at what I can do. Everyone.

Echopaw woke up to find herself in strange surroundings. She carefully examined the place she was in. It had a tree to her left with a river running behind it, and a moor even more to her left. There were reeds next to the tree, and a bush. That bush, she noticed, had a cat walking out of it. The gray tabby padded up to her. "Hello young one of the prophecy." she meowed in a soothing, melodic voice. All Echopaw could do was stare. "this is a dream right?" she said. The cat nodded. "Have you figured out that prophecy yet?"

Echopaw shook her head. The cat nodded. "Of course. It's a tough prophecy." she hesitated for a moment. "I can't tell you this, but here it is anyway. A hint. Do you remember what Cinderheart's dying words were to the clan? Do you remember her story?" Echopaw nodded. All kits knew the tale of Cinderheart. On her deathbed she said to the clan that she was Cinderpelt in a past life, Cinderpelt just wanted to be a warrior. Echopaw frowned. This didn't have to do with anything. It was just a...... just a... The color drained from Echopaw's face.

"Who exactly are you!?" she demanded. The gray tabby dipped her head. "Echosong of SkyClan. I am your Cinderpelt and your are my Cinderheart." her gaze softened. "You have my memories, deep down." "Are all the other cats having dreams?" Echopaw began to breathe quickly. Her forehead was beaded with sweat. "How... wha...." She choked out. Echosong dipped her head. "Go take a walk outside."

Echopaw woke up panting heavily. She hadn't taken the news well.
Echopaw eyes the dirt place. She would slip through there to go outside. Nightbreeze was sitting guard at the entrance. She had good hearing. Echopaw tiptoed towards the dirtplace, and succeeded in escaping. She let out a sigh of relief and began to run. As fast as her paws could take her. She sprinted in a random direction at. Top speed. She bumped into a shiny wall. Echopaw gasped. She was near the Forbidden Land, previously known as CarrionPlace. The rats became very dangerous there, they killed three quarters of the clan a while back. It's why ShadowClan is so small. Echopaw backed up against the shiny wall as eats began to surround her. The Forbidden Land was right behind her, so she couldn't escape. Echopaw sighed. She was doomed. As the rats began to close in on her, a muscular tabby tom leaped out from behind her and landed in front of her.

He turned around and met her shocked gaze. "Need help?" he grinned. Echopaw watched in pure horror and amazement as the dark tom killed all of the treacherous rats. He winked at her. He had ice blue eyes made his wink seem unfriendly. Echopaw's heart raced. This cat was kind. As if reading her thoughts, the cat said, "I'm not this kind often. In fact, I am pretty mean. Or was. I regret my actions those many seasons ago." he said gruffly.

"What's your name?" Echopaw blushed. The cat hestitated as if to consider if he should tell her or not, and then he said, "If you knew me, you wouldn't be blushing right now. I must be going home now." With that, he vanished out of thin air. The rats along with him. Echopaw stood there gaping for a moment, then shook her many thoughts away sat down. He was definitely some sort of dead cat, she thought. He didn't look real. But if he said I wouldn't like it, then he couldn't be from StarClan, he would- she stopped her thought in its tracks. Her face ceased to be red and switched to pale. He couldn't be. Nope. Not possible. Too sweet.....

Echopaw sighed. She remembered nothing from the night before, mainly the reason why she took the walk. She was puzzled, why go? She was cleaning out elder bedding. The night before she was discovered sleeping next to the Forbidden Land, so she may not become a warrior now. She wouldn't train either. She would do duties like pulling out ticks and changing moss. Not definitely.

But with Swiftfoot as a mentor, she had lost hope completely. On a regular basis she would've been mad at someone, but now she just felt drained. Empty. She was busy pulling out a tick from Mousefoot's tail when a thought occurred to her. "Mousefoot, is there any stories you know that have a dark tabby tom in them?" she asked him curiously. The old elder sighed. "Quite a few, there's evil blood thirsty Tigerstar, young Hawkfrost who follows in his fathers footsteps, and the great Bramblestar, who is the son of Tigerstar but chose to be a good cat. whose story are you looking for?" "Well it depends."

Echopaw hesitated. "I- Do any of them have ice- blue eyes?" Mousefoot raised an eyebrow, or he would've if cats could have eyebrows. "Why?" he asked suspiciously. "Well.. When I'm bored I think of how two cats would look if they mixed together, so me and my brother is a dark tabby tom with ice blue eyes. So I wanted to know if that was a real cat." Mousefoot bought it. "Hawkfrost was a very evil cat, who went to the Dark Forest and trained young apprentices so in the Great Battle they would fight for them. He was from RiverClan, and his mother was a stray." he finished. "that's all I can tell you."

Echopaw dipped her head. "Thanks." she pulled out the last tick. "You shouldn't itch now" she reported. Mousefoot nodded. "Go and eat now. You must be hungry."
Echopaw decided she would hunt for what she would eat. She wandered for a while until she was near the ThunderClan border. "Looking for me?" a voice said. Echopaw turned around. "Hawkfrost!" she gasped. Then she narrowed her eyes. "I won't train, you know." Hawkfrost laughed. "I regret those days and my life." he stared off distantly. "I made a mistake. I want to change." his eyes brimmed with tears. "The big bad Hawkfrost crying?" Echopaw teased.

She wrapped her tail around him. "Don't" she winked. She released her tail. "With your loud sobbing you scared all the prey away." She winked again. "See you around."

I just relized I have 3 whole followers 3 OF THEM!!! xD yay thnx lol. Please excuse me I am quite strange as noted before :/. Deal with it. Added later: Ok make that 4

Warriors: Echopaws Quest- warrior cat fanficWhere stories live. Discover now