Off to.... StarClan??!!!

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Well here's another chapter :) I'd like to dedicate it to @xXNikkehXx for giving me really useful tips, specifically to make shorter paragraphs.... ,xD Oh and I almost forgot to mention, I don't own the awesome warrior cats. If only I actually did.

Echopaw's silver fur was flat with shame as she padded into her den. I lie way too much! She thought angrily. Why is my life so hard? Echopaw had one too many dreams each night, and always woke up bleeding. It was always about the prophecies, and her nightmares were so intense she had patches of fur ripped off. It has been happening ever since she saw Hawkfrost again 2 moons ago.

Strange thing about these dreams though, she never remembered them in specific detail, just what they were about. But one thing the young cat did know, is that nobody can know the purpose of her bloody matted fur in the morning. So she lies. Lies that the dream was of her Clanmates dying. But it's not true. Not true.

Echopaw drifted off into sleep, hoping she would not have these nightmares.

But all she got was the worst one. The only problem, she remembered it.

"Echosong!" Echopaw had screamed. "Echosong.." her voice grew weak as she fell onto the ground. "Is anybody there?.. Anybody....." "Echopaw!" A voice screeched. Suddenly, Echopaw found herself crashing through a murderous battle, saw her mother getting killed by the white tom, then the entire dream rewinded back to the tom raising his paw, and the killing happened over and over again... Someone shouting for her.. It was Hawksight! "I'm coming!" she screeched, but by the time she got there, Hawksight turned into Hawkfrost, then she found herself in a cave. The cave. "echo's repeat..." murmured a voice. Then she found herself at a deputy ceremony, her deputy ceremony, then Morningstar's eyes glowed and repeated the prophecy.

Echopaw woke up panting. Or, at least she tried to. Her neck was sliced open. She choked out some inaudible words that were supposed to be, "Help me."

Mousefoot's POV

Mousefoot sat up out of his nest and groaned. He had very bad stomach pains, and he would be welcome on StarClan's hunting grounds soon. Mousefoot limped to the medicine den when he smelled something funny. His eyes widened when he realized what it was. Blood. He peeked his head into the warriors den. Fine there. He double checked the nursery. Sound asleep. He peered into the apprentices den. "Echopaw!" he murmured to himself.

She made an obnoxious choking noise that was, he assumed, supposed to be a cry for help.

As fast as his elder legs could carry him, he bolted into the medicine den. "Sparrowfur!" he yowled. "Oh shut up you old bag you'll wake the entire clan up." Sparrowfur mumbled. "I can't treat your stomach pains, it's all old age." "No, this is urgent!" Mousefoot insisted. "Echopaw is dying!"

Sparrowfur bolted out of his nest and shook Dapplefern awake. "Echopaw is in trouble!" he hissed. "A fatal neck wound. She might be dead by now!" Mousefoot added. The unusual trio ran to the apprentice den. Dapplefern went and shook all the apprentices awake, and Sparrowfur checked on Echopaw. Dapplefern herded the sleepy apprentices out of the den, and they unwillingly went. "Dapplefern!" Sparrowfur hissed. "Get me some cobwebs. Now!" Dapplefern zipped out of the den.

Sparrowfur glanced at Mousefoot. "Don't just stand there put your paw over the wound!" he snapped. Mousefoot quickly held his paw on Echopaw's neck. "Everything will be all right." he murmured, more to himself then to Echopaw.

Echopaw's POV

Echopaw felt a warm paw on her neck. It stopped most of the blood. Suddenly, the blood stopped gushing. She heard a muffled gasp from Sparrowfur. Then, Echopaw's neck stopped hurting. She sat up. "Sparrowfur, Mousefoot, I'm alright!" she exclaimed. But they kept moaning at her paws. Dapplefern ran into the den and stopped to stare at her paws. Did they not realize she was ok and that there was nothing special about her 9 toed paws? Yes, she had 9 toes. So what? Then she glanced at her paws to see what was the commotion. There was a tremendous pool of blood that was pretty deep.

Oh, she almost forgot to mention the fact that her dead body was in the middle of it. "Come with me." a familiar melodic voice meowed softly. Echopaw glanced up. "Echosong! I have a really random question for you! Am I dead?" said Echopaw sarcastically. Echosong nodded. "But not for long. Follow me." she padded towards the sky. Echopaw had a million questions to ask, like how the heck did she die. Instead, she just followed Echosong.

Once she arrived at StarClan, she saw a fiery red tom. "I am Firestar of ThunderClan." he told her. "We will have a StarClan meeting now." he told Echosong. "Spread the word." Echosong nodded and ran off. Firestar turned to Echopaw. "It is not your time to die." he said grandly. "You will return to the living world, I just need the permission of the other cats to revive you, again." he chuckled. "You die too much." He leaned back against a tree. "Sit down, it will take a while for the important members of StarClan to arrive. Echopaw sat down

"So I'm not dead"

Firestar nodded in reply. "There is the prophecy. You hold more power than the three of the previous prophecy." he chuckled once more. "And they had more power than StarClan itself." Echopaw tilted her head to express her utter confusion. "Sleep" murmured a voice. A cat appeared out of the bushes. She was a sandy yellow with green eyes. "I am Sandstorm. Now rest." Echopaw immediately felt woozy, at drifted off into a, thank StarClan, dreamless sleep.

I am aware of the shortness. Comment on your favorite character so far!

And just so you kitties know, if you knew the plot, you would personally murder me.

I'm going to work on a random super edition like thing, because I have discovered the best name ever.

I have many stories in the making, I just can't finish them all :(

Bye bye!

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